  • 1 # 影片好笑

    A cat may look at aking.貓也有權晉見國王 A living dog is better than a dead lion.一條活狗勝過一頭死獅. All the cats are grey in the dark. 貓在暗中都是灰色的。 Care killed the cat 憂慮纏身 The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends. 貓狗可以相吻,但不會成為好友。 It"s raining cats and dogs. 傾盆大雨 The cat shuts its eyes when stealing creams. 貓偷吃奶油時總是閉著眼睛。 A cat has nine lives. 貓有九條命。 A cat in gloves catches no mice. 戴手套的貓抓不住老鼠。 A cat may look at the king. 貓有權看國王 The cat is out of the bag. 洩露了秘密;走漏了風聲 cat"s paw 為他人"火種取慄"的人 a cat-and-dog life 爭爭吵吵的日子 下面的可能幫到你 1侷促不安 如熱鍋上的螞蟻 2整天吵架 3脾氣壞的老太婆 4觀望形勢然後行動 看風使舵, 隨機應變 5露了馬腳 洩漏天機 6大局已定,事情已經有了眉目 7諺:被燙過的貓,連冷水也怕(一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井繩) 8像貓和狗一樣合不來, 完全合不來 9盲目的模仿者 10非常滑稽 真是十分好笑 11令人驚訝 事情太出奇 12有錢有勢的人 13 14傾盆大雨 1、like a cat on hot bricks 2、live like cat and dog 3、old cat 4、see how the cat jumps 5、The cat is out of the bag. 6、The cat jumps. 7、The scalded cat fears cold water. 8 agree like cats and dogs 9 copy cat 10 enough to make a cat(horse) laugh 11 enough to make a cat speak 12 fat cat 13 Has the cat got your tongue? 14 It rains cats ahd dogs. 15 let the cat out of the bag

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