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      My Block (Remix)"  [2Pac]  Damn, take a ride, to my block 該死,坐上車,去我的街頭  My block, that"s right! Heh 這就是我的街頭,哈哈  F"real on my motherfucking block “XX”在我的街頭  [Verse One]  They got a nigga 看到個黑鬼  Shedding tears, reminiscing on my past fears 眼淚湧出 想起過去的煩惱  Cause shit was hectic for me last year 因為去年經歷了許多的操蛋事兒  It appears that I"ve been marked for death, my heartless breath 著看起來像我被死神注視著,我無力地呼吸  The underlying cause of my arrest, my life is stressed 我想這都是因為我被條子逮了,生活壓力更大  And no rest forever weary, my eyes stay teary 從不休息,讓人睏倦,雙眼止不住流淚  for all the brothers that are buried in the cemetery 為那些長眠於地下的兄弟流淚  Shit is scary, how black on black crime legendary 令人不安,黑鬼那灰暗的罪行變得富有傳奇色彩  But at times unnecessary, I"m getting worried 偶然多餘的時候,我開始為此擔心  Teardrops and closed caskets, the three strikes law is drastic 淚珠和緊緊閉上的棺材,這加長刑期的法律打擊太大  And certain death for us ghetto bastards 對於我們這些混球,死亡就是無可避免的  What can we do when we"re arrested, but open fire 當我們被條子逮住,除了抵抗還有什麼可以做  Life in the pen ain"t for me, cause I"d rather die 監獄裡的生活我他媽不要,因為我寧願去死 !  But don"t cry through your despair 不過不用因你那絕望而哭泣  I wonder if the Lord still cares, for us niggas on welfare 我想知道如果上帝依舊關懷窮人,讓黑鬼們得到救濟  And who cares if we survive 誰在乎我們是否還活著  The only time they notice a nigga is when he"s clutching on a four-five 當黑鬼們拿起45手槍,他們才會注意到  My neighborhood ain"t the same 街頭的兄弟們都不一樣  Cause all these little babies going crazy and they suffering in the game 因為所有的小寶寶因這遊戲而瘋狂  And I swear it"s like a trap 我敢肯定這他媽就是個圈套  But I ain"t given up on the hood, it"s all good when I go back 但我不會在我的街頭自棄,所有事都會好起來當我回歸  Hoes show me love, niggas give me props 兄弟們向我示好,黑鬼們給我尊敬  Forever hop cause it don"t stop... on my block 還是這個舞步,它不會停...在我的街頭  [Chorus: a bunch of kids - see the liner notes]  Living life is but a dream 為夢而活  Hard times is all we see (on my block) 共同經歷苦難 (在我的街頭)  Every block is kinda mean 每個街頭都很貧窮  But on our block we still prayyyyyy 但在這個街頭我們依舊祈禱...  But on our block we still prayyyyyy...但在這個街頭我們依舊祈禱...  [Verse Two]  Now shit"s constantly hot, on my block, it never fails to be gunshots 現在這些操蛋事經常是危險的,我的街頭從不缺少槍聲  Can"t explain a mother"s pain, when her son drops 當一個母親的兒子掛掉時,無法去形容她的痛苦  Black male slipping in hail when will we prevail 當我們成為流行,黑人兄弟們沉浸在歡呼中  Fearing jail but crack sales got me living well 害怕進監獄,販毒讓我活得很好  And the system"s suicidal with this Thug"s Life 暴徒生活就是身心的自我毀滅  Staying strapped forever trapped in this drug life 充斥著藥丸的生活,身陷永遠的貧困處境  God help me, cause I"m starving, can"t get a job 上帝幫幫我吧,我不能忍受飢餓,不能得到一份工作  So I resort to violent robberies, my life is hard 所以我才他媽的去依靠暴力的搶劫,我的生活也很艱難  Can"t sleep cause all the dirt make my heart hurt 不能安睡因為所有的現實讓我傷心  Put in work and shed tears for my dead peers 要份工作,為死去的兄弟流淚  Mislead from childhood where I went astray 自從我童年的迷失  Till this day I still pray for a better way 到現在我依舊為更好的明天而祈禱  Can"t help but feel hopeless and heartbroke 無助,絕望,傷心  From the start I felt the racism cause I"m dark 從一開始我就注意到那些種族歧視,噢,我是黑鬼  Couldn"t quit the bullshit make me represent 不能停止,這操蛋的事實讓我提出抗議  Hit the bar and played the star, everywhere I went 寫下一張酒吧的單子,挨個去逛,在每個我去的地方扮演明星  In my heart, I felt alone out here on my own 在我心中,我感到孤獨  I close my eyes and picture home... on my block 我閉上眼,勾畫家的樣子... 在我的街頭  [Chorus w/ minor variations]  [Verse Three]  And I can"t help but wonder why, so many young kids had to die 我忍不住發問,為什麼那麼多年輕人不得不走向死亡  Caught strays from AK"s and the drive by AK的槍聲使他們發現他們誤入歧途  Swollen pride and homicide, don"t coincide 膨脹的驕傲心與變成殺人者,這不要同時發生  Brothers cry for broken lives, mama come inside 我的兄弟為破碎的生活而哭泣,母親走進來  Cause our block is filled with danger 因為我們的街頭充滿了危險  Used to be a close knit community but now we"re all cold strangers 過去情同手足如今卻形同陌路  Time changes us to stone them crack pipes 時間讓我們冷血  All up and down the block exterminating black life  But I can"t blame the dealers 不過我不責怪那些販毒的  My mama"s welfare check has brought the next man chrome wheels 母親的福利查詢給下個人鍍鉻輪胎的工作  Shit"s real, I know ya feel, my tragedy 我知道你瞭解殘酷的現實,這些苦難  A single mother with a problem child, daddy free 單身母親和一個問題兒童,剛釋放的父親  Hanging out picking up game, sipping cheap liquor 閒逛,賭博,喝口廉價的酒  Gamin the hoochies hoping I can get to sleep with her 酒的姑娘,希望我可以和她們睡一覺  It"s a man"s world, staying strapped 這是我們的世界,總是處於貧困  Fantasies of a nigga living phat, but held back 幻想黑鬼們美妙的生活,可卻連想都不敢  Pipe dreams can make the night seem hopeless 白日夢讓夜看上去更絕望  Wide eyed and losing focus... on my block 擴大的瞳孔和失去的焦點...我的街頭  [Chorus w/ minor variations]  [Verse Four]  And block parties in the projects lasting way past daylight 計劃中的街頭聚會絕不在白天  A young nigga learned to break night 年輕的黑鬼們該學會無視黑夜  Used to play fight with my homies but they stuck in the pen 過去常和兄弟們並肩戰鬥,現在他們身陷牢獄之災  I send them ends, but it"s tough on a friend, in my mind 我寄給他們錢,不過很難拿到,在我印象中  I see the same motherfuckers balling 我看見了那些一樣的尋歡作樂的人  Alcohol will make a lazy nigga slip and fall, miss his call 酒精讓一個懶鬼跌倒,墮落,錯失機會  I know the young niggas understand this 我知道年輕的黑鬼們瞭解這點  Growing up in this world where everything is scandalous 在這個醜陋的世界中成長  I reminisce on the fast times, past crimes 在流逝的時間中追憶過去的罪惡  Trying to cop a slice of pizza with my last dime 設法用最後一個硬幣來得到一片披薩  Can"t explain, just what attracts me to this dirty game 不能解釋是什麼吸引我落入這骯髒的賭局  Gold chains, some extra change, and the street fame 大金鍊子,特別的改變,街頭的名望,  And what"s strange is everybody knows my name, swear they all know me 奇怪的是每個人知道我的名字,發誓他們都知道我  And lots of cash make a nigga change 金錢使黑鬼改變  I hit the green just to maintain, feeling pain 我發現山上新生的綠草,感到痛苦  For all the niggas that I lost to the game... from my block 為那些在賭局中失去的兄弟痛苦...我的街頭  [Chorus w/ minor variations; kids repeat last line over and over]  [2Pac - speaking over Chorus]  Rest in peace to all the motherfuckers who passed away 希望那些逝去的混球在平靜中安息  From all the blocks that I"m from 送給我走過的所有街區  One-twelve street, 7th Avenue, New York, Uptown, knahmsayin? 1-12街,第7大道,紐約城,上城,知道我在說什麼嗎?  183rd and Walt, my block, that"s right 183rd和Walt,這就是我的街頭  122nd and Morningside, my block, that"s right 122nd和Morningside,這就是我的街頭  Decatur Avenue, Baltimore, my block, that"s right 迪凱特大道,巴爾德摩,這就是我的街頭  In the jungle of Marin City, that"s my block, that"s right 地中海城市的叢林裡,這就是我的街頭  Los Angeles, haha, that"s my block too 洛杉磯,哈哈,這也是我的街頭  Oakland, can"t forget Oaktown, that"s my block for sure 奧克蘭,忘不了Oaktown,當然是我的街頭  And all the other blocks around this motherfucker 所有的街頭  Houston, Florida, St. Louis, Tennessee, Miami, Chicago 休斯頓,佛羅里達,聖路易斯,田納西州,邁阿密和芝加哥,  All y"all niggas stay kicking up dust 我的兄弟m繼續搗亂  Represent the motherfucking block 代表這個街區

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