Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill
And we gaze at the earth and the sky
I turn to you,and you melt in my arm
There we are,darling,only you and I
What a moment to share
It"s wonderful,wonderful
Oh,so wonderful,my love
The word is full of wondrous things,it"s true
But they wouldn"t have much meaning without you
Some quiet eveing,I sit by your side
And we"re lost in a world of our own
I feel the glow of your unspoken love
I"m aware of the treasure that I own
And I say to myself
俯視大地 仰望天空
我轉向你 擁你入懷
此時此刻 唯有你我
如此美好 我的摯愛
至死不渝 吾生摯愛
千千世界 無數精彩
無你陪伴 瞬失光彩
寂靜之夜 伴你左右
你我沉醉 彼此懷中
感到你愛 心口難開
此份珍寶 唯屬你我
無比美好 無比幸福
Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill
And we gaze at the earth and the sky
I turn to you,and you melt in my arm
There we are,darling,only you and I
What a moment to share
It"s wonderful,wonderful
Oh,so wonderful,my love
The word is full of wondrous things,it"s true
But they wouldn"t have much meaning without you
Some quiet eveing,I sit by your side
And we"re lost in a world of our own
I feel the glow of your unspoken love
I"m aware of the treasure that I own
And I say to myself
It"s wonderful,wonderful
Oh,so wonderful,my love
And I say to myself
It"s wonderful,wonderful
Oh,so wonderful,my love
俯視大地 仰望天空
我轉向你 擁你入懷
此時此刻 唯有你我
如此美好 我的摯愛
至死不渝 吾生摯愛
千千世界 無數精彩
無你陪伴 瞬失光彩
寂靜之夜 伴你左右
你我沉醉 彼此懷中
感到你愛 心口難開
此份珍寶 唯屬你我
無比美好 無比幸福
至死不渝 吾生摯愛
無比美好 無比幸福