  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至


    n.食物,食品滋補品,營養品(固態)食品(區別於 drink)任何為有機物提供養料的東西資料,材料,精神食糧[複數]食品公司發行的股票或債券food [fu:d]短語food industry 食品工業,食品產業food and drink 飲食;食品與飲料food processing 食品加工,食品處理;進食,食品熱殺菌green food 綠色食品health food 保健食品fast food 速食,快餐food production 食品生產;糧食生產;食品加工chinese food 中餐;中國食物;中式食品food security 糧食安全;食品安全;食物保障例句This food disagrees with her. 這種食物對她有害。He heaped food on the plate. 他把食物堆放在盤子裡。They contributed food and clothing for the refugees. 他們向難民捐助了食物和衣服。We cannot exist without air, food and water. 我們沒有空氣、食物和水就不能生存。She loathed the sight of greasy food. 她一看到油膩的食物就噁心。He vomited all the food he had eaten. 他把他吃的食物全都嘔吐出來了。Food must be refrigerated in summer. 食物在夏天必須加以冷藏。Put the food on the table so that everyone can dip in. 把這些食物放在桌上,讓每個人都能分享。The food did not agree with her. 這種食物不合她的胃口。Some kinds of food makes one thirsty. 有些種類的食物使人口渴。Ants store up food against the winter. 螞蟻儲存食物以防冬令。參考資料



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