  • 1 # 起飛阿



    1. They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn .他們間棉花苗,鋤玉米地。

    2. The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground .母雞啄食地上的穀粒。

    3. The river meanders through the corn field .這條河蜿蜒流過玉米田。

    4. I won"t buy their corn flakes today .我今天不會買他們的玉米片了。

    5. Usually, the corns would disappear .一般來說,雞眼是會消失的。

    6. There was a little hay left and a little corn .只剩下一點兒乾草和玉米了。

    7. He may well measure your corn by his bushel .他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。

    8. Next week they will harvest the corn .他們下星期收割玉米。

  • 2 # 起飛阿



    1. They chopped the cotton and hoed the corn .他們間棉花苗,鋤玉米地。

    2. The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground .母雞啄食地上的穀粒。

    3. The river meanders through the corn field .這條河蜿蜒流過玉米田。

    4. I won"t buy their corn flakes today .我今天不會買他們的玉米片了。

    5. Usually, the corns would disappear .一般來說,雞眼是會消失的。

    6. There was a little hay left and a little corn .只剩下一點兒乾草和玉米了。

    7. He may well measure your corn by his bushel .他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。

    8. Next week they will harvest the corn .他們下星期收割玉米。

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