  • 1 # 司馬英才


    The Army"s Not the Army Anymore

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    The army"s not the army anymore

    It"s better than it"s ever been before

    The bugler blows and I can"t get "em up

    At quarter after seven

    But if you"re tired, stay right there

    And sleep until eleven

    Oh, the army"s not the army anymore

    The army"s not the army anymore

    It"s better than it"s ever been before

    You used to walk a mile for beans

    But now they bring them to ya

    And all the generals say hello

    As though they really knew ya

    Oh, the army"s not the army anymore

    They"ve got a lot of hostesses

    The gals are really cuties

    And entertaining these co"eds

    Is part of your regular duties

    Oh, the army"s not the army anymore

    The army"s not the army anymore

    It"s better than it"s ever been before

    The sergeant isn"t tough anymore

    He"s careful not to bore you

    Just tell him when you"re peelin" spuds

    And he will peel them for you

    Oh, the army"s not the army anymore

    No, the army"s not the army anymore

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