  • 1 # 米瑪塔爾的幻想雜談


    Nowadays teenagers tend to take some movie stars or singers as their idols.They are crazy about those stars.But I am not one of them.I think such kind of thing is a waste of time and energy.The stars I prefer are the real stars in the universe.I want to explore the mysteries of the stars.My ideal is to be an astronomer.

    現在的女孩兒呀都喜歡崇拜一些電影明星或歌星,她們為之到了瘋狂的地步.我也是一個女孩子,但我跟她們不一樣.我喜歡的是像巴赫、貝多芬那樣的真正藝術家.欣賞他們的音樂是對心靈的一種淨化.而且他們的音樂是永恆的,永遠都不會過時.因此我愛他們和他們的音樂.The Stars I PreferNowadays girls like some movie stars or singers.They are crazy about those stars.I am a girl,too.But I am not one of them.The stars I prefer is the true musicians,such as Bach and Beethoven.Appreciating their music can purify my soul.And what"s more,their music will last forever.They can never be out of date.Therefore,I love them and their music also.

  • 2 # 程式設計頌

    “在” 在英語中有以下幾種含義,所以“在”的意思和寫法有以下五種:

    1、一般由介詞充當,與作介詞的賓語 一起 作狀語。表示”在“的介詞只有:

    at, in, during,before, after,by, behind, on


    at 7 o"clock, at the beginning

    in the morning, during the holiday

    by the end of last year, before yesterday


    at home, at the school gate, by the sea

    in hospital, in front of classroom, on the table


    with you, be with you, together with

    3、表示”存在“的“在”: exsit in/at

    4、表示“在於”的“在”: depend on

    5、表示“在乎”的“在”:care about

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