  • 1 # 笑談教育

    0329. A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. 賊瞭解賊,正如狼瞭解狼。

    0330. A thing is bigger for being shared. 插手人一多,事態就擴大。

    0331. A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many. 朋友千人尚覺少,仇敵一人猶嫌多。

    0332. A thousand probabilities do not make one truth. 一千個“或有”不能造成一個事實。

    0333. A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. 千言萬語不如一個行動。

    0334. A threatened blow is seldom given. 虛張聲勢,嚇唬而已。

    0335. At open doors dogs come in. 狗從開著的門中進來。

    0336. A tree is known by its fruit. 觀其行而知其人。

    0337. A true friend is known in the day of adversity. 疾風知勁草,患難知友情。

    0338. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. 真正的朋友好似兩個身子長著一顆心。

    0339. A true jest is no jest. 真正的笑話不是笑話。

    0340. A true man and a thief think not the same. 君子和竊賊的思想不同。

    0341. A useful trade is a mine of gold. 一樣有用的手藝是取之不盡的財富。

    0342. A valiant man"s look is more than a coward"s sword. 勇士的神色勝過懦夫的刀劍。

    0343. A<I>var</I>ice blinds our eyes. 財迷心竅。

    0344. A<I>var</I>ice increases with wealth. 越富越貪。

    0345. A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain. 決心趕到目的地,浪漢何懼雨來淋。

    0346. A watched pot is long in boiling. 心急水不沸。

    0347. A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent. 一本壞書危害無窮。

    0348. A wilful man will have his way. 有志者是竟成。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 陰曆1997年7月9日屬什麼星座?