architecture 建築學
building 修築,建築物
house 房子
skyscraper 摩天大樓
block of flats 公寓樓 (美作:apartment block)
monument 紀念碑
palace 宮殿
temple 廟宇
basilica 皇宮,教堂
cathedral 大教堂
church 教堂
tower 塔,塔樓
ten-storey office block 十層辦公大樓
column 柱
colonnade 柱列
arch 拱
town planning 市政 (美作:city planning)
building permission 營建許可證,建築開工許可證
greenbelt 綠地
elevation 建築物的三面圖
plan 設計圖
scale 比例尺
to prefabricate 預製
excavation 挖土,掘土
foundations 基
to lay the foundations 打地基
course of bricks 砌好的磚列
scaffold 腳手架
scaffolding 腳手架
質量合格證書 certification of fitness
原材料 raw material
底板 bottom plate
墊層 cushion
側壁 sidewall
中心線center line
條形基礎 strip footing
附件 accessories
型鋼 profile steel
鋼板 steel plate
熔渣 slag
飛濺 welding spatter
定位焊 tacking
引弧 generating of arc
熄弧 quenching of arc
焊道 welding bead
坡口 beveled edges
外觀檢查 visual inspection
重皮 doubleskin
水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction
成型 molding
直線度 straightness accuracy
焊縫角變形 welding line angular distortion
水平度 levelness
鉛垂度 verticality
翹曲變形 buckling deformation
角尺 angle square
對接焊縫 butt weld
母材 parent metal
法蘭密封面 flange sealing surface
表面鏽蝕濃度 surface corrosion concentration
撓曲變 bending deformation
超聲波探傷 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination
壓力容器 pressure vessel
預製下料prefabrication baiting
排版直徑 set-type diameter
焊縫 welding line
中幅板 ? center plate
測量方法 measuring method
基準點 datum mark
跳焊 skip welding
允許偏差 allowable variation
補強板 stiffening plate
開孔 tapping
對接接頭 banjo fixing butt jointing
角鋼 angle iron
安裝基準圓 installation fundamental circle
吊裝立柱 hoisting upright column
焊接鋼管 welded steel pipe
向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope
帶板 band plate
槽鋼脹圈 channel steel expansion ring
環口 collar extension
區域性變形 local distortion
環縫 circumferential weld
頂板 top plate
拱頂 vault
頂板加強肋 stiffening rib
對接 butt joint
胎具 clamping fixture
卷板機 plate bending rolls
中心支架 center bearing bracket
橢圓度 ovality
等分線 bisectrix
搭接寬度lap width
點焊spot welding
搭接焊 overlap welding
螺旋爬梯cockle stairs
放料閥baiting valve
液位計 content gauge
充水試驗 filling water test
錯邊量 unfitness of butt joint
底圈 foundation ring
真空度檢漏 vacuum degree leak test
丁字焊縫 tee welding
滲透探傷 oil whiting test
內側角焊縫接頭 interior angle welding line joint
foundation settlement 基礎沉降
測量基準點 datum mark
穩定性試驗 stability test
排氣閥 outlet valve
角鋼 angle steel
構件 component part
機械損傷 mechanical damage
縮孔 shrinkage cavity
enfoldment 折迭
碳鋼管 carbon steel tube
公稱直徑 nominal diameter
預埋件 embedded part
軸測圖 axonometric drawing
佈置圖arrangement diagram
氧乙炔氣割 oxyacetylene gas cutting
低合金鋼管low alloy steel
熱影響區 heat affected area
砂輪片grinding wheel
等離子plasma panel
重皮 coldlap
縮口necking down
端面 head face
傾斜 偏 差 dip deviation
外徑 external diameter
砂輪grinding wheel
管件 pipe casting
單線 圖single line drawing
平齊parallel and level
兩端 two terminals
滿扣 buckle
螺栓 緊 固 bolton
周邊 periphery
附加 應 力 additional stress
同軸 度 axiality
平行 度 parallelism
隨機 stochastic
允許 偏 差 allowable variation
重直 度verticality
水平 度 levelness
隔離 盲 板 blind plate
氬弧 焊argon arc welding
壓蓋 螺 栓 gland bolt
有效 期 period of validity
擔任 take charge of undertake
焊條 welding rod
碳鋼 焊 條carbon steel
焊絲 welding wire
熔化 焊 melting
鋼絲 steel wire
氣體 保 護 焊 gas shielded arc welding
焊接 工 藝welding procedure
手工 電 弧 焊manual electric arc welding
手工 鎢 極 manual tungsten electrode
電源power source
交流alternating current
焊件 weldment
管壁 厚 度 pipe thickness
對接 焊 縫 butt weld
工件 壁 厚 workpiece
飛濺 物 splash
沾汙 smirch
油汙 oil stain
細銼 smooth file
銑刀 milling cutter
氧化 膜 oxide film
脫脂 處 理 ungrease treatment]
棉質 纖 維 cotton fibre
硫 sulfur
焊劑 welding flux
縱向 焊 縫 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam
筒節 shell ring
封頭 end socket
卷管 reelpipe
強度試驗strength test
起弧arc starting
穿堂 風draught
反面reverse side
封堵block up
焊口 weld bond
醫用 膠 布medical proof fabric
高頻 high frequency
焊炬welding torch
送氣air supply
電流衰減裝置current attenuation
氣體延時保護裝置time delay
熄弧quenching of arc
鋼印代號steel seal
質量分析quality analysis
審批examine and approve
補焊工藝repair welding
壓縮機compression pump
平焊法蘭welded flange
測試流程圖 test flow chart
加固措施 reinforcement measure
校驗 verify
升壓boost pressure
讀數off scale reading
滿刻度值ull-scale value
盲板blind plate
壓力錶pressure meter
目測eye survey
導電膏conductive paste
壓接compression joint
埋深buried depth
接地 線earth wire
分線盒junction box
接地裝置earthing deivce
塑膠保護管protection tube
塑膠帶plastic tape
防腐處理preservative treatment
接地極earthing pole
接地電阻測試earth resistance
防雷接地lightning protection
遵守comply with
避雷網lightning conduction
引下線down lead
搭接焊overlap welding
避雷針lightning rod
鍍鋅製品zinc coating
斷接卡breaking of contact
配電裝置power distribution equipment
串聯cascade connection
幹線聯接main line
機組machine set
電力複合脂electric force compounded grease
電纜敷設cable laying
電纜槽架cable channel
主幹線trunk line
彎頭angle fitting
銀粉aluminum powder
支援點support point
拆裝disassembly and assembly
電壓等級electric pressure
終端頭 terminals
標記 牌notice plate
表冊statistical forms
電纜橋架cable testing bridge
電機electric machine
相對溼度relative humidity
耐壓試驗withstand voltage test
照明器具ligthing paraphernalia
驗收 規 範acceptance specification
接線wire splice
試運test run
進線口incoming line
盤車轉子jigger rotor
二次迴路secondary circuit
配電 power distribution
成套whole set
樓板floor slab
備件duplicate part
導線conducting wire
脫落fall off
電器electrical appliance
斷路器line breaker
機械聯鎖mechanical interlocking
輕便 portable
綜合分析判斷 comprehensive analysis and judgement
抽芯loose core/
三相電容three phase capacitance
芯棒core rod
都市規劃與土地開發 Urban g and Land Development
社群開發及工業區開發 Community Development and Industry Park Development
開發許可申請 Development Permit
土地使用變更計劃 Land Use Rezoning Plan
主要計劃及細部計劃 Master Plan and Detail Plan
都市計劃更新計劃 Urban Renewal Plan
都市設施 Urban Design
建築設施 Architecture Design
大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering
工址調查 Site Investigation
現地試驗與室內試驗 In-Situ and Laboratory Test
基礎工程 Foundation Design
深開挖工程及建物保護 Deep Excavation and Building Protection
新生地及軟弱地層改良 Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement
山坡地開發與水土保持 Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation
潛盾隧道與岩石隧道 Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel
大地工程施工顧問 Geotechnical Construction Consultant
土壤材料試驗 Soil and Material
結構工程 Structural Engineering
各類鋼筋混凝土、預力混凝土、鋼結構及鋼骨鋼筋混凝土結構 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete,
Steel, and SRC
橋樑、高層建築、地下結構物、隧道、深開挖擋土結構 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground
Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations
橋樑安全檢測、評估及維修補強 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation
鋼結構細部設計及製造圖 Steel Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings
廠房工程 Industrial Plant
工業廠房--石化工廠、鋼廠、電廠、氣體廠、科技工業廠房、一般性廠房 Industrial Plants--Petroleum and
Chemical, Steel, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants
環保設施工廠--垃圾焚化廠、垃圾掩埋場、汙水處理廠及相關管線 Environment Protecting Plants--Incineration
Plants, Garbage Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping
裝置支撐結構、管架、操作平臺 Equipment Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating
裝置基礎 Equipment Foundations
廠區一般土木及公共設施 General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants
運輸工程 Transportation Engineering
運輸規劃 Transportation Planning
停車場設施工程規劃、設計 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities
交通維持計劃 Traffic Control & Management during Construction
水利及港灣工程 Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering
營建管理 Construction Management
估價及工程預算製作 Estimates and Engineering Budget Works
工程監造 Construction Supervision
施工計劃 Construction Plan
工程進度控管 Schedule Control during Construction
施工規劃 Construction Specifications
環境工程 Environmental Engineering
環境影響評估 Environment Impact Assessment
環境監測 Environmental Monitoring
地下水監測系統 Groundwater Monitoring
汙水處理廠 Wastewater Treatment Plant
汙水下水道 Sewage System
噪音振動防治 Noise and Vibration
垃圾焚化廠興建工程 Waste Incinerator
廢棄物處理系統工程 Waste Treatment & Disposal
共同管道 Common Ducts
管道及附屬設施之規劃設計 Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary
經濟效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis
財務評估 Financial Evaluation
管理維護辦法及組織訂定 Regulation for the Management, Maintenance and Organization
architecture 建築學
building 修築,建築物
house 房子
skyscraper 摩天大樓
block of flats 公寓樓 (美作:apartment block)
monument 紀念碑
palace 宮殿
temple 廟宇
basilica 皇宮,教堂
cathedral 大教堂
church 教堂
tower 塔,塔樓
ten-storey office block 十層辦公大樓
column 柱
colonnade 柱列
arch 拱
town planning 市政 (美作:city planning)
building permission 營建許可證,建築開工許可證
greenbelt 綠地
elevation 建築物的三面圖
plan 設計圖
scale 比例尺
to prefabricate 預製
excavation 挖土,掘土
foundations 基
to lay the foundations 打地基
course of bricks 砌好的磚列
scaffold 腳手架
scaffolding 腳手架
質量合格證書 certification of fitness
原材料 raw material
底板 bottom plate
墊層 cushion
側壁 sidewall
中心線center line
條形基礎 strip footing
附件 accessories
型鋼 profile steel
鋼板 steel plate
熔渣 slag
飛濺 welding spatter
定位焊 tacking
引弧 generating of arc
熄弧 quenching of arc
焊道 welding bead
坡口 beveled edges
外觀檢查 visual inspection
重皮 doubleskin
水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction
成型 molding
直線度 straightness accuracy
焊縫角變形 welding line angular distortion
水平度 levelness
鉛垂度 verticality
翹曲變形 buckling deformation
角尺 angle square
對接焊縫 butt weld
母材 parent metal
法蘭密封面 flange sealing surface
表面鏽蝕濃度 surface corrosion concentration
撓曲變 bending deformation
超聲波探傷 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination
壓力容器 pressure vessel
預製下料prefabrication baiting
排版直徑 set-type diameter
焊縫 welding line
中幅板 ? center plate
測量方法 measuring method
基準點 datum mark
跳焊 skip welding
允許偏差 allowable variation
補強板 stiffening plate
開孔 tapping
對接接頭 banjo fixing butt jointing
角鋼 angle iron
安裝基準圓 installation fundamental circle
吊裝立柱 hoisting upright column
焊接鋼管 welded steel pipe
向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope
帶板 band plate
槽鋼脹圈 channel steel expansion ring
環口 collar extension
區域性變形 local distortion
環縫 circumferential weld
頂板 top plate
拱頂 vault
頂板加強肋 stiffening rib
對接 butt joint
胎具 clamping fixture
卷板機 plate bending rolls
中心支架 center bearing bracket
橢圓度 ovality
等分線 bisectrix
搭接寬度lap width
點焊spot welding
搭接焊 overlap welding
螺旋爬梯cockle stairs
放料閥baiting valve
液位計 content gauge
充水試驗 filling water test
錯邊量 unfitness of butt joint
底圈 foundation ring
真空度檢漏 vacuum degree leak test
丁字焊縫 tee welding
滲透探傷 oil whiting test
充水試驗 filling water test
內側角焊縫接頭 interior angle welding line joint
foundation settlement 基礎沉降
測量基準點 datum mark
穩定性試驗 stability test
排氣閥 outlet valve
角鋼 angle steel
構件 component part
機械損傷 mechanical damage
縮孔 shrinkage cavity
enfoldment 折迭
碳鋼管 carbon steel tube
公稱直徑 nominal diameter
預埋件 embedded part
軸測圖 axonometric drawing
佈置圖arrangement diagram
氧乙炔氣割 oxyacetylene gas cutting
低合金鋼管low alloy steel
熱影響區 heat affected area
砂輪片grinding wheel
等離子plasma panel
重皮 coldlap
縮口necking down
端面 head face
傾斜 偏 差 dip deviation
外徑 external diameter
砂輪grinding wheel
管件 pipe casting
單線 圖single line drawing
平齊parallel and level
兩端 two terminals
滿扣 buckle
螺栓 緊 固 bolton
周邊 periphery
附加 應 力 additional stress
同軸 度 axiality
平行 度 parallelism
隨機 stochastic
允許 偏 差 allowable variation
重直 度verticality
水平 度 levelness
隔離 盲 板 blind plate
氬弧 焊argon arc welding
壓蓋 螺 栓 gland bolt
有效 期 period of validity
擔任 take charge of undertake
焊條 welding rod
碳鋼 焊 條carbon steel
焊絲 welding wire
熔化 焊 melting
鋼絲 steel wire
氣體 保 護 焊 gas shielded arc welding
焊接 工 藝welding procedure
手工 電 弧 焊manual electric arc welding
手工 鎢 極 manual tungsten electrode
電源power source
交流alternating current
焊件 weldment
管壁 厚 度 pipe thickness
對接 焊 縫 butt weld
工件 壁 厚 workpiece
飛濺 物 splash
沾汙 smirch
油汙 oil stain
細銼 smooth file
銑刀 milling cutter
氧化 膜 oxide film
脫脂 處 理 ungrease treatment]
棉質 纖 維 cotton fibre
硫 sulfur
焊劑 welding flux
鋼板 steel plate
縱向 焊 縫 longitudinal weld longitudinal seam
筒節 shell ring
封頭 end socket
卷管 reelpipe
強度試驗strength test
起弧arc starting
穿堂 風draught
反面reverse side
封堵block up
焊口 weld bond
醫用 膠 布medical proof fabric
高頻 high frequency
焊炬welding torch
送氣air supply
電流衰減裝置current attenuation
氣體延時保護裝置time delay
熄弧quenching of arc
鋼印代號steel seal
質量分析quality analysis
審批examine and approve
補焊工藝repair welding
壓縮機compression pump
平焊法蘭welded flange
測試流程圖 test flow chart
加固措施 reinforcement measure
校驗 verify
升壓boost pressure
讀數off scale reading
滿刻度值ull-scale value
盲板blind plate
壓力錶pressure meter
目測eye survey
導電膏conductive paste
壓接compression joint
埋深buried depth
接地 線earth wire
分線盒junction box
接地裝置earthing deivce
塑膠保護管protection tube
塑膠帶plastic tape
防腐處理preservative treatment
接地極earthing pole
接地電阻測試earth resistance
防雷接地lightning protection
遵守comply with
避雷網lightning conduction
引下線down lead
搭接焊overlap welding
避雷針lightning rod
鍍鋅製品zinc coating
斷接卡breaking of contact
配電裝置power distribution equipment
串聯cascade connection
幹線聯接main line
機組machine set
電力複合脂electric force compounded grease
電纜敷設cable laying
電纜槽架cable channel
主幹線trunk line
彎頭angle fitting
銀粉aluminum powder
支援點support point
拆裝disassembly and assembly
電壓等級electric pressure
終端頭 terminals
標記 牌notice plate
表冊statistical forms
電纜橋架cable testing bridge
電機electric machine
相對溼度relative humidity
耐壓試驗withstand voltage test
照明器具ligthing paraphernalia
驗收 規 範acceptance specification
接線wire splice
試運test run
進線口incoming line
盤車轉子jigger rotor
二次迴路secondary circuit
中心線center line
配電 power distribution
成套whole set
樓板floor slab
備件duplicate part
導線conducting wire
脫落fall off
電器electrical appliance
斷路器line breaker
機械聯鎖mechanical interlocking
輕便 portable
綜合分析判斷 comprehensive analysis and judgement
抽芯loose core/
三相電容three phase capacitance
芯棒core rod
都市規劃與土地開發 Urban g and Land Development
社群開發及工業區開發 Community Development and Industry Park Development
開發許可申請 Development Permit
土地使用變更計劃 Land Use Rezoning Plan
主要計劃及細部計劃 Master Plan and Detail Plan
都市計劃更新計劃 Urban Renewal Plan
都市設施 Urban Design
建築設施 Architecture Design
大地工程 Geotechnical Engineering
工址調查 Site Investigation
現地試驗與室內試驗 In-Situ and Laboratory Test
基礎工程 Foundation Design
深開挖工程及建物保護 Deep Excavation and Building Protection
新生地及軟弱地層改良 Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement
山坡地開發與水土保持 Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation
潛盾隧道與岩石隧道 Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel
大地工程施工顧問 Geotechnical Construction Consultant
土壤材料試驗 Soil and Material
結構工程 Structural Engineering
各類鋼筋混凝土、預力混凝土、鋼結構及鋼骨鋼筋混凝土結構 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete,
Steel, and SRC
橋樑、高層建築、地下結構物、隧道、深開挖擋土結構 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground
Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations
橋樑安全檢測、評估及維修補強 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation
鋼結構細部設計及製造圖 Steel Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings
廠房工程 Industrial Plant
工業廠房--石化工廠、鋼廠、電廠、氣體廠、科技工業廠房、一般性廠房 Industrial Plants--Petroleum and
Chemical, Steel, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants
環保設施工廠--垃圾焚化廠、垃圾掩埋場、汙水處理廠及相關管線 Environment Protecting Plants--Incineration
Plants, Garbage Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping
裝置支撐結構、管架、操作平臺 Equipment Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating
裝置基礎 Equipment Foundations
廠區一般土木及公共設施 General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants
運輸工程 Transportation Engineering
運輸規劃 Transportation Planning
停車場設施工程規劃、設計 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities
交通維持計劃 Traffic Control & Management during Construction
水利及港灣工程 Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering
營建管理 Construction Management
估價及工程預算製作 Estimates and Engineering Budget Works
營建管理 Construction Management
工程監造 Construction Supervision
施工計劃 Construction Plan
工程進度控管 Schedule Control during Construction
施工規劃 Construction Specifications
環境工程 Environmental Engineering
環境影響評估 Environment Impact Assessment
環境監測 Environmental Monitoring
地下水監測系統 Groundwater Monitoring
汙水處理廠 Wastewater Treatment Plant
汙水下水道 Sewage System
噪音振動防治 Noise and Vibration
垃圾焚化廠興建工程 Waste Incinerator
廢棄物處理系統工程 Waste Treatment & Disposal
共同管道 Common Ducts
管道及附屬設施之規劃設計 Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary
經濟效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis
財務評估 Financial Evaluation
管理維護辦法及組織訂定 Regulation for the Management, Maintenance and Organization