  • 1 # 1314把你寵成小可愛

    1. The real death is that no one in the world remembers you. 真正的死亡是世界上再沒有一個人記得你。

    2. You cannot be forgiven, but it should not be forgotten. 可以不需要原諒,但不應該被遺忘。

    3. Remember me before the memory of love disappears. 在愛的記憶消失以前,請記住我。

    4. The family is more important than the dream. 家人是比夢想更重要的事情。

    5. I"ve had enough to ask for consent. I don"t want to follow the rules. I want to follow my heart. 我受夠了徵求同意,我不要循規蹈矩,我要跟隨自己的心。

    6. Life is hard, and I have my guitar. 人生再艱難,我還有我的吉他。

    7. This song is not written all over the world, I wrote to my daughter COCO. 這首歌不是寫給全世界的,是我寫給我的女兒COCO的。

    8. Music is not only my job, but also my life. 音樂不僅是我的工作,而且是生活。

    9. He wanted to sing and want to go to the farther stage, and what I thought was to take root in life. The daughter was more important than music. 他一心想唱歌,想去更遠的舞臺,而我想的是在生活裡好好紮根,女兒比音樂更重要。

    10. We"re probably the only family in Mexico who don"t like music. 我們大概是墨西哥唯一一個不喜歡音樂的家族了。

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