Teleport Teleports you in the direction you arefacing.傳送至你當前看的點
Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 設定時間速度 <1-5> ,1=正常速度
PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Alsofreezes crafting. 凍結所有恐龍行動,製作中的工作也會受影響
Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿牆模式
ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride withoutsaddle. 強制馴化恐龍(看著要馴的恐龍打這指令)
AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself1000 XP 給自己經驗值 1000(可改其它值)
-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggleoption in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total thereshould be 4 separate numbers.
GiveResources Gives you 50of all resources 給各種資源物件50份
InfiniteStats InfiniteHunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 狀態/子彈不減 (飢餓、耐力、免裝彈....等)
按TAB 進入控制檯
SetCheatPlayerTrue Enables Cheat Menu 開啟選單
SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu關閉選單
God Unkillable, except you can drown. 無敵
Fly Able to Fly 飛航模式
Walk Deactivates Flying 取消飛航模式
Teleport Teleports you in the direction you arefacing.傳送至你當前看的點
Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 設定時間速度 <1-5> ,1=正常速度
PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Alsofreezes crafting. 凍結所有恐龍行動,製作中的工作也會受影響
Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿牆模式
ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride withoutsaddle. 強制馴化恐龍(看著要馴的恐龍打這指令)
AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself1000 XP 給自己經驗值 1000(可改其它值)
-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggleoption in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total thereshould be 4 separate numbers.
GiveResources Gives you 50of all resources 給各種資源物件50份
InfiniteStats InfiniteHunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 狀態/子彈不減 (飢餓、耐力、免裝彈....等)
DamageTarget Damages acreature you are look