  • 1 # 經典電影頻道


    1. 聖保羅大教堂 Sallo Paulo cathedral

    A Cathedral dedicated to St Paul has overlooked the City of London since 604AD, a constant reminder to this great commercial centre of the importance of the spiritual side of life.

    The current Cathedral – the fourth to occupy this site – was designed by the court architect Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710 after its predecessor was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. Its architectural and artistic importance reflect the determination of the five monarchs who oversaw its building that London’s leading church should be as beautiful and imposing as their private palaces.

    Since the first service took place here in 1697. Wren"s masterpiece has been where people and events of overwhelming importance to the country have been celepated, mourned and commemorated.

    Important services have included the funerals of Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill; Jubilee celepations for Queen Victoria; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the launch of the Festival of pitain; the Service of Remempance and Commemoration for the 11th September 2001: the 80th and 100th birthdays of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, to Lady Diana Spencer and, most recently, the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen.

    Over the centuries, St Paul’s has changed to reflect shifting tastes and attitudes. Decoration has been added and removed, services have been updated, different areas have been put to new uses. Today, the history of the nation is written in the carved stone of its pillars and arches and is celepated in its works of art and monuments.

    2.London Eye 倫敦巨眼摩天輪

    The London Eye (Millenium Wheel) at a height of 135 metres (443 ft), is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3 million people a year.

    At the time it was erected it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang (160m) in May 2006, and then the Singapore Flyer (165m) on Fepuary 11, 2008. However, it is still described by its operators as "the world"s tallest cantilevered observation wheel" (because the entire structure is supported by an A-frame on one side only).]

    The London Eye is located at the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, United Kingdom, between Westminster pidge and Hungerford pidge. The site is adjacent to that of the former Dome of Discovery, which was built for the Festival of pitain in 1951.

    3.倫敦大橋 London pidge

    London pidge is a pidge between the City of London and Southwark in London, England, over the River Thames. Situated between Cannon Street Railway pidge and Tower pidge, it forms the western end of the Pool of London. On the south side of the pidge are Southwark Cathedral and London pidge station; on the north side are the Monument to the Great Fire of London and Monument tube station.

    It was the only pidge over the Thames downstream from Kingston until Westminster pidge opened in 1750.

    The pidge carries part of the A3 road, which is maintained by the Greater London Authority; the pidge itself is owned and maintained by the pidge House Estates ( see City pidge Trust), an independent charity overseen by the City of London Corporation.

    4.大英博物館 the pitish Museum

    The pitish Museum is a museum of human history and culture in London. Its collections, which number more than 7 million objects, are amongst the largest and most comprehensive in the world and originate from all continents, illustrating and documenting the story of human culture from its beginning to the present. The museum is a Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

    “ The wonders of the museum pought here to Bloomsbury from all around the world"s imagined corners are numberless. How can they be named? As well tally each leaf of a tree. They come here out of the living minds of generations of men and women now dead – Greek and Assyrian, Aztec and Inuit, Chinese and Indian – who have conceived and carved and hammered and tempered and cast these objects to represent the worlds around them, visible and invisible. ”

    The pitish Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building. Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of several panch institutions, the first being the pitish Museum of Natural History in South Kensington in 1887. Until 1997, when the current pitish Lipary building opened to the public, the pitish Museum was unique in that it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national lipary in the same building. Since 2001 the director of the Museum has been Neil MacGregor.

    As with all other national museums and art galleries in pitain, the Museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions


    Independence Hall

    Philadelphia"s Independence Hall (Independence Hall), where the three rooms, however, which a few tables, however, a dozen or so of the chairs of the three houses, is that the U.S. Congress and the location of the High Court, is signed "Declaration of Independence "And ratify the Constitution of the United States. Legislative, judicial, administrative separation of powers from the beginning, just and fair in this process on the basis of established.

    Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty (Statue of Liberty, Statue de la liberté), also known as "freedom illuminate the world" (English: Liberty Enlightening the World, French: Liberté éclairant le monde), geographical coordinates: 40.69 ° N, 74.04 ° W, France In 1876 the United States presented to the 100th anniversary of the independence of gifts, in New York City near the Hudson River Estuary. Is the statue of the freedom of the island"s important tourist attractions.

    French sculptor Bartholdi last 10 completed the statue of the hard work of sculpture, the goddess of the appearance of design from the sculptor"s mother, and hold high the torch of the goddess of the right hand while his wife is a sculptor in the arm for the blueprint.

    Statue of Liberty wearing ancient Greek style clothing, by wearing a symbol of the first world crown Qi Taizhou and seven oceans seven sharp Mans. Goddess symbol of the right hand held high the torch of freedom, Peng Zhao engraved with his left hand on July 4, 1776 the "Declaration of Independence", is poken at the foot of the handcuffs, leg irons and chains. She symbolizes freedom, freed themselves from tyranny bound by the October 28, 1886 and the completion of the opening. Duantie statue of the internal structure was built by the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Gustave Eiffel designed.

    Statue of Liberty 46 meters high, Jiaji Block 93 metres and weighing over 200 tons, metal casting, placed in a concrete system on the platform. The base of the Statue of Liberty is well-known Joseph Pulitzer built to raise 100,000 U.S. dollars, the base is now a U.S. immigration history museum.

    1984, the Statue of Liberty was listed as world cultural heritage.

    The whole statue to 120 tons of steel for the skeleton, 80 tons of copper for the jacket to 300,000 rivets in the assembly fixed on the stent, the total weight of 225 tons.

    Chaco National Historic Park

    Chaco National Historic Park, located in the western United States, New Mexico, the Indian representative during the heyday of the cultural sites. 1987 UNESCO will Chaco National Historic Park as a cultural heritage to the "World Heritage List."

    Chaco National Historic Park is the center of a 16 km long and 2-3 kilometers wide valley, north of the cliff as high as 50 meters. Sunningdale in the side, from the 9th century AD -11 century later, Puweibuluo tribes with the construction of the wall around the 12 large villages. Villages within the housing from Level 2 to Level 5 ranging from hundreds of rooms and food storage component. Also use the basement storage of food. In Beiyin side has more than 400 small villages. Fully shows that they respect the engineering and construction can be. Many housing is used for holding the ceremony, but also for people from afar residential use. In order to solve water supply, are still on the rocks Zaochu drains into storage tanks. The north side of the "village" in the year 900 years after completion, with sandstone walls around. The big tribes built on the ground for the semi-circular building, covers an area of 12,000 square meters, is a four-story buildings, some more than 800 rooms. The construction of the south have openings, including the size of the 36 different Dexue.

    From the center of the Chaco ruins scattered around the villages to the road network to connect each other, radial roads connected, the road can still see the relics. Dongnanxibei direction to extend the range road, the total length of more than over 600 kilometers. These roads are usually four meters wide -6 meters, a straight-line distance to the extension. From the unearthed pottery, malachite, shellfish and tropical birds survive the bone, feather to the then well-developed commercial activities.

    Year 12 from the 1930s, prolonged drought makes people have to give up here, he relocated to the Department. Demise of the Chaco culture.

    Puweibuluo tribal shows the superb skills of construction-mao. Thick stone walls, small windows and doors, the Chaco, the temperature instability has played a regulatory role. Northern Dynasty ruins sit throughout the South, from north to south were lower, at the end of each class housing in the winter can maximize the enjoyment of light.



    美國費城的獨立大廳(Independence Hall),那裡的房間不過三間,而這桌子不過幾張、椅子不過十幾把的三間房子,卻是當年美國國會和高階法院的所在地,是簽署《獨立宣言》和批准美國憲法的地方。立法、司法、行政三權分立從此開始,公正和公平在這個程式基礎上建立起來。


    自由女神像(Statue of Liberty,Statue de la liberté),又稱“自由照耀世界”(英語:Liberty Enlightening the World,法語:Liberté éclairant le monde),地理座標:40.69°N,74.04°W,是法國在1876年贈送給美國的獨立100週年禮物,位於美國紐約市哈德遜河口附近。是雕像所在的自由島的重要觀光景點。







    查科國家歷史公園的中心是一條長16公里,寬2-3公里的峽谷,北面有高達50米的懸崖。在向陽的一側,從公元9世紀-11世紀後期,普韋布羅部落建造了用城牆環繞的12座大村莊。村莊內的房屋從2層到5層不等,由數百間房間和糧食倉庫組成。也有利用地下室貯藏食物的。在背陰的一面也有400多小村莊。充分顯示出他們在工程和建築方面的才能。許多房屋是供舉行儀式用的,也有供遠道而來的人們住宿使用的。為了解決供水,還在岩石上鑿出水渠引向貯水槽。北側的"大村莊"是在公元 900年以後建成的,有砂岩城牆圍繞。這座大部落為建在地面上的半圓形建築,佔地面積1.2萬平方米,是一座4層建築,有約800多房間。這座建築朝南有開口部,包括有大小不同的36座地穴。




  • 2 # 異域思想空間




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