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    騎士: rider 相關解釋:jockey;knight;knightage;cavalier;chevalier;esquire;paladin;horseman>.Examples:

    1. 你聽說過夜間飄過的幽靈騎士的故事嗎? Have you heard the story of the phantom riders passing by in the night?

    2. 騎士迫使他的馬在暴風雨中前進。 The rider forced his horse on through the storm.

    3. 那位騎士被他的敵人謀殺了。 The knight was murdered by his foes.

    4. 騎士發誓要為他父親向敵人報仇。 The knight swore he would revenge his father"s death.

    5. 騎士們衝向宮殿去保護國王。 The knights rushed into the palace to protect their king.

    7. 那個騎士用刀刺穿他的對手。 That knight ran his sword through his opponent. chivalric education 騎士教育 Knights Insurrection 騎士暴動 A Knight Templar. 聖殿騎士 The black knight. 黑衣騎士 A knight"s page. 騎士的侍童 A gentle knight. 勇武的騎士 Knights of Teutonic Order 條頓騎士團 chivalric rites; the knightly years. 騎士禮儀;騎士時代。 Ceremonial bestowal of knighthood. 騎士授予禮授予騎士稱號的儀式 A mounted soldier; a knight. 騎士騎在馬上計程車兵;騎士

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