  • 1 # 兩人在江湖

    With great power (there)comes great responsibility 能力越大,責任越大Miss Ritter:Don"t make promise you can"t keep.But those are the best kind. 瑞特小姐:別許你做不到的承諾,但承諾的確是最美好的東西。when I look in your eyes and you are looking back in mine, everything feels quite defferent, cos i feel stronger and weaker at the same time, i feel excited and at the time,terrified,the truth is ,I do not know what i feel , except that i know what kind of man I want to be.當你看著她的眼睛,而她也注視著你,一切都好象變得特別了。因為你同時會感到更堅強,而同時也更軟弱;你會感到興奮,同時有感到害怕。你也不大清楚那是什麼感覺,只知道你想成為什麼樣的人,就像是完成了遙不可及的夢想,卻一點也沒有準備好~~~

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  • 歌詞中有“風浪再大我也會勇往直前”的是哪首歌?