  • 1 # dsmiy10986

    collective knowledge集體知識;集體性知識;集體認知;集體的知識雙語例句1. Similarly, professional networks and the collective knowledge of how things are done are still developing. 類似於此, 關於如何解決問題的專業網路和共性知識仍處於發展階段.2. What was interesting was the collective use of whatever knowledge they had. 令人感到有趣的是,他們把什麼知識都共同分享.3. Speakers conveyed a collective message that organic cotton requires technological knowledge. 發言者傳達了一個資訊,有機棉需要技術知識.4. We respect knowledge and personality cry up collective power, solidarity and cooperation all the more. 我們尊重知識、尊重個性,更推崇集體力量 、 團結協作.5. To the position of collective economy and action, people does not have accurate knowledge.對集體經濟的地位和作用, 人們並不是都有正確熟悉的.

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