  • 1 # 科技小升

    Passion is sweet 激情令人幸福 Love makes weak 愛情令人脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go 你曾說過自由至上 因此你不願被束縛 Follow your fate 命中註定 Love and hate 愛恨情仇 Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away 日夜追逐你的夢想 從未放棄 Oh when the night falls 噢 當夜暮降臨時 And your all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of 在你沉睡之時 你夢到了什麼 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌膚之親 讓我陶醉 Oh I just can"t get enough I 噢 我卻無法滿足 Said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答應不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而 你的眼神攝人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 對你的思念揮之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我們可否坦誠相對 I can"t predict where it ends 縱使結局無法預算 If your the rock I"ll crush against 我仍舊甘願飛蛾撲火 Trapped in a crowd 置身於人海茫茫之中 The music is loud 樂聲嘈雜 I said I love my freedom to Now I"m not sure I do 我曾說過 我同樣珍愛自由 現在卻不可置否 All eyes on you 視線被你佔據 Rings so true 我已看清一切 Better quit while you"re ahead Now I"m not so sure I am 感情深入之時 卻是分手之日 然而我卻無法做到 My soul my heart 我的靈魂 我的芳心 If you"re near if you"re far 無論你近在咫尺或是遠在天涯 My life my love 我的生命 我的摯愛 You can have it all....ooohaaaah 請一併帶走

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