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      join in(v.+adv.)

      參加,加入 take part in; participate

      〔She burst into song.Several passengers also joined in.她唱了起來,幾位乘客也跟著唱了起來。

      join together(v.+adv.)

      將…拼〔連〕在一起 fix things into one whole

      How does this model boat join together?這隻模型船是怎樣拼裝起來的?

      join with(v.+prep.)

      1.用…把…連線〔結合〕起來 be connected sth with sth

      He joined two blocks of wood with glue.他用膠水把兩塊木頭黏合起來。

      2.與…一同做某事 act together with; do the same thing as

      He never joins with us; he always plays on his own.他從不和我們在一起,他總是自己單獨玩。

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