  • 1 # 王小佳的慧慧

    come up

    1.happen;arise發生;出現*I expect something to come up soon.我預料不久就會發生什麼事。*I"ll let you know if anything comes up.如果發生什麼事的話,我會讓你知道的。*Many question came up about the quality of the project.關於產品質量的許多問題已經出現。

    2.move near;approach走近;靠近*I could hear footsteps coming up behind me.我聽見身後的腳步聲越來越近。*He came up and introdued himself.他走上前來並作了自我介紹。*Christmas is coming up soon.聖誕節即將來臨。

    3.begin to grow生長;長出*The flowers should be coming up now it is spring.春天到了,花兒該開放了。*The seeds I sowed last week haven"t come up yet.上星期我播下的種子還沒有發芽呢。

    4.rise in society or rank地位提高*He was born poor,and came up the hard way.他出身貧寒,透過堅韌不拔的努力而獲成功。*That politician has come up in my opinion since I heard his last speech.自從我上次聽了那位政治家的演說之後,他在我心目中的地位已有所提高。

    5.be brought up for discussion;be mentioned被提出討論;提及*The question hasn"t come up yet.這個問題還沒有被提出來。*When important questions come up,the members often lose their dignified ways and shout at each other.重要的問題一被提出來,議員們常常是失去了他們莊嚴的風度,互相爭吵起來。*His name came up whenever the matter of nuclear energy was discussed.每當討論核能問題時,人們總會提他的名字。

    6.enter a university as a student 進大學讀書*He came up last year to study Modern History.他去年進大學讀現代史。*When they first come up,most students are impressed by the freedom of university life as compared with the restrictions they have known at school.剛進大學時,與在中學時代所受的約束相比,大多數學生對較為自由的大學生活有了深刻的印象。

    7.be transported 運送*All our supplies have to come up by this railway.我們所有的生活用品都得靠這條鐵路運送。*We destroyed the railway line to prevent the supplies from coming up to the enemy camp.為了切斷給敵軍兵營的給養運輸,我們破壞了鐵路。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 做夢夢見自己傷心痛苦何寓意?