  • 1 # 蜂花學閱

    《忠犬八公》 中有這些感人的經典英文臺詞:

    1.Station is sketchily Hachi"s home now,Every day he comes in time in place,Every day. 車站現在就相當於小八的家,每天它都在同一時間同一地點出現,每天。

    2.I never met my grandfather,He died when I was just little.But, when I hear about him and Hachi,I feel like I know him,They taught me the meaning of loyalty,and you should never,forget anyone that you loved. 我沒見過我外公,他在我很小的時候就去世了,可聽了他和小八的故事,我感覺我認識他很久了,他們教會了我忠誠的含義,以及我們永遠不該,遺忘我們愛的人。

    3.- Are you going with that dog every day? - It"s amazing. Every day. 你每天都跟那狗一起回家呀? - 真不可思議,每天都這樣。

    4.You know we love you, Hachi,We want you to stay with us,If you had to go...that"s OK, too. 小八你知道我們是愛你的,我們希望你能和我們待在一起,但如果你想離開...也沒關係。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 有沒有剛結婚不久,下班習慣性走回孃家的姑娘?