  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    中文:一個橘子英語:An orange


    1、我早餐吃了一個橘子和一根香蕉,午餐吃了幾片面包。I had an orange and a banana for breakfast and several pieces of bread for lunch.

    2、在籃子裡有一些蘋果和一個橘子。There are some apples and an orange in the basket.

    3、每個小孩都得到一個橘子和一個檸檬。Each child receives one orange and one lemon.

    4、這是一個橘子罐頭。This is a can of or"anges.

    5、他抬起手從一根枝子上摘了一個橘子。He reached up and picked an orange off a branch.

    6、每一天,你可以有一個蘋果,一個橘子,一塊乾麵包,喝一杯水。Every day you can have one apple, one orange, one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water.

    7、喬爾:何不從早餐吃一個橘子或香蕉做起?Joel: Why not start out by eating an orange or a banana with your breakfast?

    8、其中一個橘子比另外一個大得多。One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other.

    9、那裡有一個橘子、一本書、一件夾克衫。There is an orange, a book and a jacket over there.

    10、這就是就,一個蘋果、香蕉或者一個橘子是你明智的選擇,而不是巧克力或炸薯條。That means that an apple, a banana, or an orange is a good choice, but a bar of chocolate or a bag of potato chips is not.

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