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    break down into分解成breakv.打碎;折斷;違背;解決;中斷;透露;變弱;銳減;結束n.破裂;休息;中斷;急衝;好運例句用作動詞 (v.)If you discover a fire, break the glass to sound the fire alarm.如果你發現了火災,打碎玻璃去弄響火警鈴報警。To frighten the dog, he broke a twig from the tree.為了嚇唬那隻狗,他從樹上折了一根小樹枝。What shocked the workers was that the boss had broken his promise.工人們感到震驚的是,老闆竟然違背了諾言。The spy had finally broken the code.那個間諜最終破譯了密碼。When she went to break the news to Harriet, however, Emma found her quite unperturbed by it.可是,當愛瑪委婉地把這個訊息透露給哈里特時,卻發現哈里特並沒有因此感到不安。Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.他們的熱誠在接二連三的挫折之後消失殆盡Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.當公司突然宣佈裁員時,股票價格便大跌The cold spell broke yesterday.寒流昨天就結束了用作名詞 (n.)A break in the pipe was found out.管道上有一處裂縫。There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.演出中有一次中場休息,讓聽眾們稍事休息。

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