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    I"ll look into it.我會調查的Going!正在呢!Covert Ops deployed秘密行動已經部署I love it when a plan comes together作戰計劃什麼的,最喜歡了!So intense!我好緊張!Lighting the way.照亮前進的道路!We can do this!我們能夠做到!Keep positive.保持樂觀!Bright decision聰明的決定!Light mage? I"m just an ordinary mage…光明法師?我只是個普通的法師而已Demacia!德瑪西亞萬歲!Illuminate the enemy!照亮所有敵人!Banish the shadows驅逐所有暗影!Light "em up!點亮他們Focus on the battle.注意戰場形勢!With superior tactics.我們的戰術更加優秀!I never think about losing!我從來沒想過失敗!Shh...I"m charging my laser…噓……我在為我的鐳射充能……With your power level… I suggest you forfeit instead.你們這種戰鬥力……我建議你們還是投降算了。In the name of Demacia I will punish you!我要替德瑪西亞行道,消滅你們!Double Rainbow? What does it mean?雙重彩虹?那是什麼意思?Well... A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere… Does that explain it?好的……雙重彩虹,指的是Sunny在透過大氣層的溼氣時因為折射和反射而出現兩道不同彩虹的現象……各位聽懂了麼?Tactical decision summoner真是個深思熟慮的選擇,召喚師。

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