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    英文歌詞 If you say you’re the firework at the bay 如果說你是海上的煙火 I wish I could be a wave 我是浪花的泡沫 After the rain, you light up the gray 某一刻你的光照 亮了我 Far away you’re the galaxy from space 如果說你是遙遠的星河 With the stars you kiss my face 耀眼得讓人想哭 I’ll go everywhere after your trace 我是追逐著你的眼眸 When I’m lonely I will learn to embrace… 總在孤單時候眺望夜空 I’ll follow you along the way 我可以跟在你身後 Like shadow chasing down the flame 像影子追著光夢遊 I’ll wait for you right on your way 我可以等在這路口 Come and stay with me if you may 不管你會不會經過 I’ll raise my head and look your way 每當我為你抬起頭 Tears dropping down and feeling free 連眼淚都覺得自由 Some love comes by like hurricane 有的愛像Sunny傾落 As if I play your losing game 邊擁有邊失去著 If you’re like firefly in summer haze 如果說你是夏夜的螢火 Children laugh around your grace 孩子們為你唱歌 Then I’ll be there, trying to say out your name 那麼我是想要畫你的手 Look at me, what a tiny helpless me 你看我多麼渺小一個我 Only dream when you smile at me 因為你有夢可做 Maybe you wouldn’t stop just for me 也許你不會為我停留 Far behind let me stand there singing 那就讓我站在你的背後 I’ll follow you along the way 我可以跟在你身後 Like shadow chasing down the flame 像影子追著光夢遊 I’ll wait for you right on your way 我可以等在這路口 Come and stay with me if you may 不管你會不會經過 I’ll raise my head and look your way 每當我為你抬起頭 Tears dropping down and feeling free 連眼淚都覺得自由 Some love comes by like hurricane 有的愛像大雨滂沱 But rainbows rise... 卻依然相信彩虹 I’ll follow you along the way 我可以跟在你身後 Like shadow chasing down the flame 像影子追著光夢遊 I’ll wait for you right on your way 我可以等在這路口 Come and stay with me if you may 不管你會不會經過 I’llraise my head and look your way 每當我為你抬起頭 Tears dropping down and feeling free 連眼淚都覺得自由 Some love comes by like hurricane 有的愛像大雨滂沱 But rainbows rise after the pain 卻依然相信彩虹

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