  • 1 # 化作一片塵埃

    A special day

    Today is a special day for me. I got a call from the police who told me someone found my ID card in the garden, and sent it to the police station.

    To my surprised , I even did not notice my ID card was lost, Because in China, we use so many e-pay, and E-certificate. Even Id card ,we may use the E-card.

    Technology make life more convenient and some of the technology is in the advanced level in the world.

  • 2 # 洞熊小仙女


    1,Today I had a great time with my friends.First we went to the Sunshine Hotel to swim.All of us were good at it and swam a lot.After two hours’ swimming,each of us felt hungry and tired.At about 11:30 we arrived at a KFC and had some last food for lunch.The chicken was so delicious that we all ate a lot.Later we went to watch a movie called Harry Potter which we were very interested in.In the evening we went to Mary’s birthday party.We sang and danced a lot and gave her our presents.I wish she will like them.We enjoyed ourselves so much time.

    2,My Special Winter HolidayI had a special winter holiday this year.morning,after I had my breakfast,I went to the classroom to have my lessons.This classroom was different from ours.You didn’t have a fixed seat.I went there late,I had to sit in the last row.I couldn’t hear the teacher well and see clearly.In the afternoon,we went to computer classrooms to do our homework.Sometimes,the homework was very difficult.We may work out nothing more,but after a while,when I thought why I went here,I would do my homework again.in the evening,we had a test.I felt a little nervous.After three hours,the test wa finished.I went out of the computer classroom with a smile.On my way home,I said to myself,“What a great day!”

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