  • 1 # 呱呱農村記

    1.Shakespeare: The people may control their destiny, if we are under the control of others, that wrong not in destiny , but in us! (Shakespeare:人們可支配自己的命運,若我們受制於人,那錯不在命運,而在我們自己!)

    2.The poor man must have hateful place (可憐人必有可恨之處 )

    3.Shakespeare:To be or not to be. That is a question.

    4.The impressive on the outside but lacking substance woman, looks like Jin Huandai on the pig nose! (虛有其表的女人,就像金環戴在豬鼻上! )

    5.Dizzy when must revolve, oneself are in deep sorrow the sadness, by others" sadness, can cure. (目眩時更要旋轉,自己痛不欲生的悲傷,以別人的悲傷,就能夠治癒。 )

    6.The woman woman, man"s stage, you forever stand outside the aperture and the applause. (女人啊女人,男人的舞臺,你們永遠是站在光圈和掌聲以外的。 )

    7.Tagore: “possible” to ask that “is impossible” you to live in any place, “is impossible” to reply, in that helpless dreamland! (泰戈爾:「可能」問「不可能」你住在什麼地方,「不可能」回答說,在那無能為力的夢境裡! )

    8.Do not distinguish with the will firm person struggle, because they may change the fact. (別和意志堅定的人爭辨,因為他們可以改變事實的。 )

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