a state/nation of etiquette/ceremonies /propriety/rites 禮儀之邦China has always been a state of ceremonies, a variety of manners is not overlooked. 中國自古就是一個禮儀之邦,各種禮節都是不容忽視的。China is known as "the nation of tites", and being friendly to someone is one ofChinese traditional virtues. 中國素有“禮儀之邦”之稱,禮貌待人是中華民族的傳統美德。The Chinese nation is well known as "a nation of etiquette", and propriety educationplays a significant role in improving self-cultivation and maintaining social stability.中華民族素來就有禮儀之邦的美稱,禮儀教育對於提高個人修養和穩定社會秩序都有重要作用。We are a nation of propriety. 我們是一個禮儀之邦。
a state/nation of etiquette/ceremonies /propriety/rites 禮儀之邦China has always been a state of ceremonies, a variety of manners is not overlooked. 中國自古就是一個禮儀之邦,各種禮節都是不容忽視的。China is known as "the nation of tites", and being friendly to someone is one ofChinese traditional virtues. 中國素有“禮儀之邦”之稱,禮貌待人是中華民族的傳統美德。The Chinese nation is well known as "a nation of etiquette", and propriety educationplays a significant role in improving self-cultivation and maintaining social stability.中華民族素來就有禮儀之邦的美稱,禮儀教育對於提高個人修養和穩定社會秩序都有重要作用。We are a nation of propriety. 我們是一個禮儀之邦。