  • 1 # 擱淺啟航

    1   Michael: You and me…It"s real…   我和你。。。是真的   深情而含蓄的表白。   No.

    2   Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.   活得有信念點!   逆境中的精神支柱。   No.

    3   Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don"t see him here.   我只向上帝下跪。他可不在這!   帶著尊嚴與驕傲離去,以及自己的信念。從容赴死前輕吻十字架的樣子,像是這一生都已獲得救贖。   No.

    4   Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.   握手言和,把以前的一切一筆勾銷吧。   Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?   溫暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多嗎?   渡盡劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。   No.

    5   Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.   Sucre: I"m man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.   -你看起來像是去拼命的。   -我可是從地獄逃出來的!我現在就要去維加斯。   Sucre對愛的執著讓我感動。就像他說的,"She is the love of my life". 此生摯愛。   No.

    6   Sucre"s GF: What do you want from the future?   Sucre: Would you run if I said you?   Sucre"s GF: Would you chase me if I did?   女友:你將來想得到什麼?   Sucre: 如果我說是你,你會逃開嗎?   女友:如果我逃開了,你會來追我嗎?   又一條Sucre的。。沒辦法,無情不似多情苦啊。入獄的原因是為愛搶劫,傻的不行了。   No.

    7   Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.   Michael: You are telling me he"s where he is because of me.   -Michael, 你能有今天都是因為你哥哥。   -也就是說,他有今天也是因為我。   獲悉真相,內心暗潮洶湧。越獄計劃之萌芽。   No.

    8   T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.   你認為只有你覺得被人揹叛了嗎?我。。。曾經愛過你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真愛。而你。。而你所做的,卻是把我掃地出門,重新趕回黑暗之中。我過去是有過罪惡,但當我遇見你的那一刻,那個做盡壞事的人就已經死了,而我則獲得了重生。在你愛情的光輝中,我成了一個新的人,一個更好的人。當你把我送進這裡,與這些人為伍時,過去那個骯髒的罪人又將復活。   天堂與地獄的一線之隔,原來是愛。   No.

    9   Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?   Michael: Because he"s my brother.   -你為什麼這麼想見他?   -因為他是我哥哥。   總覺得He"s my brother更像是一種宣誓,一種對責任的宣告與承受,一種對生命的分擔,揹負與戰鬥。所以他們的戰鬥就此打響。   No.

    10   T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?   把我們丟到涼快點的地方去怎麼樣,比如,非洲?   Hey, this man was still white this morning!   嘿,早上這哥們還是個白人呢!更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 女性什麼樣的行為能說明她是愛她男朋友或者她老公呢?