  • 1 # 唵嘛呢唄咪吽

    常見的一些縮寫,希望你能用上1 A/B Above Base Line 基準線以上2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐塗料3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防汙漆4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美國船級社5 Abt Abt (About ) 大約,關於6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住區7 ACCM.L Accommodation Ladder 舷梯8 ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room 無人機艙自動控制系統鑑定9 AFRAMAX Average Freight Rate Assessment at the max. of Deadweight C.O.T 最大負載時平均運費率評估10 A.P Bhd After Peak Bulkhead 船尖艙艙壁11 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美國國家標準協會12 AP After Perpendicular 艉垂線13 API American Petroleum Institute 美國石油組織14 APT After Peak Tank 尾尖艙15 ARPA Automatic Rader Plotting Aids 自動雷達測圖儀16 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials 美國材料實驗協會17 B mld Moulded Breadth 型寬18 B/C Bulk Carrier 散貨船19 B.L Base line 基線20 Basic Design 基本設計21 Ballast Control Room 壓載控制室22 BHP Brake Horse Power 制動馬力23 BOG Boil-off Gas 蒸發氣體24 BOM Bill of Material 材料清單25 Bkt Bracket 支架,肘板26 BHD Bulkhead 隔壁, 防水壁27 C/H Cargo Hold 貨艙28 C.T Cable Trunk 電纜管道29 CCI Class Comment Item 船級社說明專案30 CCR Cargo Control31 C, C/L Center Line 中心線32 C.G Center of Gravity 重心33 Cert. Certificate 證書34 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 聯合程式碼35 CGT Compensated Gross Tonnage 補償總噸36 C.L Chain Locker 錨鏈艙37 C/Eng. Chief Engineer 輪機長38 C/D Cofferdam 隔離艙,圍堰39 COLREG International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 國際海上避碰規則40 Corr. Bhd Corrugated Bulkhead 波形艙壁41 COT Crude Oil Tanker 原油油船42 COT Cargo Oil Tank 貨油艙43 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器44 CRI Client Request Item 船東的要求專案45 Cyl. Liner Cylinder Liner 氣缸套46 D mld Moulded Depth 型深47 D/B Double Bottom 雙層底48 D/B W.B.T Double Bottom Water Ballast Tank 雙層底水壓載艙49 Td Designed Load Draft 設計滿載吃水50 DGPS Differential Global Positioning System 微型全球定位系統51 D/G Diesel Generator 柴油發電器(D/G)52 DLW Design Load Water Line 設計載重水線53 DNV Det Norske Veritas 挪威船級社54 DOT Diesel Oil 柴油55 DWT Deadweight Tonnage 載重量56 E/Rm Arr"t Engine Room Arr"t 機艙佈置圖57 ECR Engine Control Room 發動機控制檯58 EHP Effective Horse Power 有效馬力59 Elev. Elevation 側面圖60 Fab Fabrication 加工61 FEM Finite Element Method 有限單元法62 FEU Forty-Feet Equivalent Unit 40尺集裝箱63 FOC Fuel Oil Consumption 燃料消耗量64 F"cle Dk Forecastle Deck 首樓甲板65 FP Fore Perpendicular 船首垂線66 FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller 定螺距螺旋漿67 FPSO Floating Production,Storage and Offloading Vessel浮式生產儲油卸油船68 FPT Forepeak Tank 首尖艙69 Fr. Frame 構架70 F.S Frame Space 肋骨間隔71 FWT Fresh Water Tank 淡水艙72 G/A General Arrangement 總體佈置圖73 GL Germanisher Lloyd 德國船級74 GM Metacentric Height 穩心高度75 GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System全球海上遇險和安全系統76 GT Gross Tonnage 總噸數77 HFO Heavy Fuel Oil 重質燃油78 H.T.C.W.S High Temp. Cooling Water System 高溫冷卻水系統79 I/E Inclining Experiment 傾斜試驗80 IACS International Association of Classification Socities國際船級聯合會81 ICCP Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 外加電流陰極防護82 ID Identification No. 身份證號碼83 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 國際電氣標準會議84 IGC International Gas Code 國際氣體程式碼85 ILLC International Load Line Convention 國際船舶載重線協定86 ILO International Labor Organization 國際勞動機構87 IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

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