  • 1 # ivylingling123

    more 既可以修飾形容詞也可以修飾副詞

    very 既可以修飾形容詞也可以修飾副詞

    a lot是口語中的一個常用片語,多用於肯定句,有時也用於疑問句.其主要用法有如下幾點:一、作名詞短語,表示“很多;多量”,在句中作主語、賓語或表語,其後常有動詞不定式短語作後置定語,如:Sometimes we have very little snow,but sometimes there’s a lot.有時我們這兒雪很少,有時卻又很多.(作主語)There is a lot to see at the party.聚會上有許多可觀賞的東西.(作主語)He’s given her a lot to eat.他給了她許多好吃的東西.(作賓語)You know a lot/much about English names.你知道許多有關英語姓名的情況.(作賓語)We see a lot of him these days.這幾天我們經常見到他.(作賓語)This is a lot.這真多.(作表語)二、作副詞短語,在句中作程度狀語,表示“很;非常;常常”,修飾動詞、感嘆詞、介詞短語、形容詞或副詞的比較級,如:It usually rains a lot/much at this time of year.每年這個時候都經常下雨.(修飾動詞rain)Do you wear your new watch a lot?你常戴你的新手錶嗎?(修飾動詞wear)Thanks a lot/very much ---that’s very kind.多謝,十分感激.(修飾感嘆詞thanks,thanks=thank you)He is feeling a lot/much better.他感覺好多了.(修飾比較級better)Your room is a lot bigger than mine.你的房間比我的大得多.(修飾比較級bigger)三、a lot前可被such,what,quite,rather修飾,如:I like him quite a lot.我非常喜歡他.---How much money is left?---還剩下多少錢?---Rather a lot.---還有相當多.四、a lot of = lots of,可修飾可數或不可數名詞,意為“許多”,“大量的”,相當於many或much.a lot,a lot of,lots of通常用於肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much,如:There’s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there.有許多事情要做,許多人已派去那裡了.五、用於固定搭配構成習語.have a lot to answer for為糟糕的情況負責

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