  • 1 # approvasluf

    Echo And The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon

    Under blue moon I saw you 滿月的夜空下我遇見你

    So soon you"ll take me up in your arms 你這可快就擁我入懷

    Too late to beg you or cancel it 根本沒有時間去祈求你放開我

    Though I know it must be the killing time 儘管如此我知道這個時候一切多麼殘忍

    Unwillingly mine 我真不想看清


    Up against your will 命運與你的意願相悖

    Through the thick and thin 但是不管怎樣

    He will wait until 都會遲遲等你

    You give yourself to him 把你的愛給他

    In starlit nights I saw you 星空下我就遇見你

    So cruelly you kissed me 你如此粗暴的狂吻我

    Your lips a magic world 你的唇如夢如幻

    Your sky all hung with jewels 你的世界璀璨如星

    The killing moon will come too soon 迷人的月亮將會到來

    You give yourself to him, to him

    To him, to him, to him, to him, to him

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 元宵節、清明節、端午、中秋、七夕、重陽這幾?