  • 1 # 小城大事會

    One More Step - Blaze Bayley

    I tried to avoid falling down

    A broken hearted man I fell down any way

    That is when I learned it"s not the falling down that counts what counts is getting up again

    When you get up it might seem like a thousand steps to take will impossible

    Just focus on this single step forget about the rest of them all that you do is

    Just take one more step

    Just take one more step

    I"m screaming in my head

    Just take one more step

    Just take one more step

    I"m standing up and going past the point that

    I thought was the furthest

    I could go

    You never know how tough you are until your life is hard and that is

    When you know

    That is when you know that there are some things that

    You fight for and some things you leave behind

    Life will hit you hard and knock down and keep you there all that you can do is

    Just take one more step

    Just take one more step

    I"m screaming in my head

    Just take one more step

    Don"t count me out because

    I"m down and you see me on the floor

    I"ve been here before

    It"s do or do not do or die

    I"ve got to get back home to you

    Thats all I want to do

    Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and then

    I feel just like I can"t go on

    But not I"m dead until I"m dead and I am screaming in my head

    Pick yourself back up again and

    Just take one more step

    Just take one more step

    I"m screaming in my head

    Just take one more step

    I"m screaming in my head

    Just take one more step


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