這部劇的副標題“不會長大的男孩”強調了這個故事最基本的主題:童年的純真與成年人的責任之間的衝突。彼得拒絕了從兒童轉變為成年人,並且鼓動其他的孩子也這樣做。然而書中的第一句“所有的孩子都會長大,除了一個人,”以及故事的結局表明了這個願望的不現實性。在這種轉變之中也有著悲劇的成分。一、拒絕不了長大 1、人永遠拒絕不了長大。當你不是一個孩子時,你就會失去了你的想象力,你的身軀會變得日益沉重,一些美好單純的東西會漸漸被忘卻,只剩下世俗的紛擾。 2、永遠不要長大,這是一個孩子童話般的夢想。每一個孩提時擁抱過童話的人心底都曾存在過一個彼得潘,可是他最終會在你成長的過程中從你的心中淡去,小說體現了成長的無奈和一種人生的必然。 3、這是最好的結局吧,就象溫迪自己認為的。畢竟,作者還是留下了新的希望,溫迪的孩子們繼續跟著彼得潘飛到永無鄉去,儘管一個個孩子總要長大,孩子的夢想卻世世代代,傳承不息。 4、也好吧。早已長大的大人們也只能這樣相信。雖然還是忍不住有些惆悵。 5、“邪惡的海盜船長虎克對他說,你可愛的溫迪最終還是會離開你。他從天空墜落,無力抵抗,此時他的心中充滿憂傷。彼得潘的形象彷彿是代表了人們心中的理想想法:如果可以的話,永遠都不要長大。因為成人的世界有太多紛擾,意味著要失去換來成長。” 6、虎克船長在一定程度上代表了現實社會,他有著殘酷而現實的靈魂。而這些和彼得潘所認為的一切都是矛盾的,所以他才會想要去對抗他。所以無論是胡克船長還是文中的任何一處,無不在描述著童年的美好,還有成長和現實的衝突。這種衝突人們無法去避免,只能無奈地去接受,所以人們還能感受到書中那種快樂裡淡淡的惆悵。 說虎克的真實身份並不是說他在小說外現實中的身份,而是他在小說中的真實身份。可能在他成為海盜前,他是一所有著所謂良好風氣,並且極其著名的學校的學生。作者透過描寫虎克的行為,來突出在他少年時所受的教育風氣。作者把這種風氣以虎克船長這樣反面的人物表現出來,確實有否定作者當時所在年代教育形式的意思。但從另一個方面來說,學校,社會,這些都是成長的一部分,虎克船長也曾是一個天真的孩子,但是在慢慢長大的過程中,他被現實(如學校、社會)逐漸改造成了一個這樣的人,可以說,這也是從側面突出了成長的悲哀。所以,無論是作者怎樣寫,他還是離不開他想要表達的主題的,一切都是關於成長。 7、巴里在劇中虛構了一個會飛的、不願長大、也永遠不會長大的小男孩彼得·潘。他天真活潑、疾惡如仇、勇敢而富於犧牲精神。作者還虛構了一個故事發生的地方——夢幻島。那裡,有孩子希望出現的各種“人物”:仙子、人魚、印第安人、海盜、野獸和夢幻鳥。在那個用蘑菇當煙囪的地下之家,生活快樂無憂。彼得與海盜,海盜與紅人之間的“大戰”,鮮明地烙著兒童打仗遊戲的印證。巴里正是透過奇妙的夢幻島和不肯長大的男孩彼得潘這樣的童話形象深情地告訴人們:童年是人生中最美的樂章,珍惜可貴的童年時代,讓孩子們盡情地享受那僅僅屬於他們的歡樂。由此,也可以窺見作家對自然、純樸天性的熱情召喚8、彼得·潘給小姑娘溫迪和她的兩個弟弟邁克爾和約翰身上撒了仙粉,於是他們一起飛到夢幻島上。歷險故事連連不斷(美人魚的礁湖等),“永沒有枯燥乏味的時候”。彼得·潘和同他一道飛到夢幻島上的孩子們,在那裡遇見了上述童話人物。由於終年海盜詭計多端、處處作祟,海島無寧靜之。儘管不幸事件接踵而至,勇敢的彼得·潘還是想出妙計搭救了夥伴們。 9、彼得·潘和小姑娘溫迪分別時,答應每年春暖花開之時來看望她。後來溫迪長大出嫁了,彼得·潘又與溫迪的女兒玩,又把溫迪的女兒帶到那個奇妙無比的夢幻島上,溫迪的女兒長大出嫁後,又把溫迪的外孫女找去作伴。 10、彼得·潘這個形象是永無盡止的遊樂、永恆童年、永不衰老的精神象徵。《彼得·潘》將荒誕幻想、仙人故事、驚險情節,運用性格刻畫、心理描寫、諷刺和幽默等手段紡織在一個小小的故事裡。它既像一場令人眼花繚亂的馬戲,又像一首狂想曲,給讀者以強烈的震撼力二、永遠哀傷的孩子 作者:郭敬明 彼得·潘是個永遠長不大的孩子,他永遠也長不大。 彼得·潘永遠呆在永無島上,呆在他的童年裡面。而且他會飛,每個人都疼他,所以他任性得一塌糊塗。他總是傷害愛他的人,他從來就不考慮別人心裡是否難過。 “眼看邁克爾就要墜到海面上了,彼得·潘才飛快地衝下去,一把抓住他。彼得·潘這一下幹得可真漂亮,但是他總是等到最後那一瞬間才去救人,而且,他好像是在故意炫耀自己的本事,而不是專門為了救人。” 他就是這樣一個驕傲而任性的孩子,他又傷害他的朋友們了。 “愛的背面是什麼?” “是恨。” “不是,是遺忘。” 彼得是個經常忘記別人的人,或者說他從來就沒有去愛過別人。 “既然他把那些事情忘得那麼快,”溫蒂深思地說,“怎麼指望他能一直記住咱們呢?” 真的,有時彼得飛回來的時候,就不認識他們了,至少是認不清他們了。文蒂看清了這一點。“無論是白天還是別的時候,彼得飛過來看見他們的時候,眼裡竟流露出努力辨認的神色。有一次,溫迪不得不向他喊出自己的名字。” 他需要大家對他的愛,他可以在那些愛裡面任性地撒嬌,就像個在雪地上撒野的孩子,可是他卻不愛別人。或者說得更悲哀一點,他不懂得怎樣去愛別人。 一個失去愛別人的能力的人是悲哀的。安妮不輕易地去愛別人,因為她被愛情的宿命割傷了一條很大的傷口。可是彼得純粹是因為幼稚,因為他任性的自私。於是所有愛他的人都感到難過,為他傷心,包括溫迪,包括那個為他嫉妒溫迪為他去死的小仙女丁卡,包括印第安公主虎蓮,包括永無島上的孩子們,以及那些甘願讓彼得騎在自己的尾巴上玩耍的美人魚們。他們都覺得彼得·潘是個可憐的孩子。 “島上的孩子的數目時常變動,因為有的被殺,或者其他緣故,他們眼看就要長大的時候——這是不合乎規定的,彼得不允許他們長大,於是彼得就把他們餓瘦了,直至餓死。” “我虎蓮是講義氣的”,美麗的公主說,“彼得·潘救了我的命,我就永遠做他的好朋友,我絕不讓海盜來傷害他。”這在虎蓮公主一方,是處於感恩和禮貌,但在彼得看來,這是他應得的報答。於是,他往往居高臨下地說,“很好,很好,彼得·潘說了”。每次他說“彼得·潘說了”的時候,就是讓對方閉嘴。“彼得不允許孩子們的模樣有一丁點像他。”一個太愛自己的人往往不知不覺地就傷害別人了。 彼得·潘傷害了別人,但從某個意義上講,彼得是無心的。彼得有個很不好的習慣——口是心非。這也說明了他真的僅僅是個孩子。溫迪要走了,孩子們要走了,可是彼得裝出一副無所謂的樣子,他依舊在有口無心地吹他的那支破笛子。大家都叫他一起去找媽媽,可是他不,“你們去吧,我才不去呢,真見了她,她一定又要盼望我長大了,我才不想長大呢,我要永遠做個小孩子,永遠玩耍”。“孩子們走了以後,他還快樂地吹了一會兒笛子呢。當然,這只是在掩飾他的難受,證明自己對朋友們對溫迪的離開滿不在乎。他決定不吃藥,為的是氣一氣。溫迪然後他不蓋被就躺在床上,也是為了要惹溫迪生氣。平時,溫迪怕他著涼,總是將他塞進被窩裡。他難過得差點哭出聲來,但是他忽然想到,如果自己笑起來,說溫迪不定多麼生氣呢。於是他就笑起來。” 彼得是個哀傷的孩子,書裡面有很多地方都讓人心疼了。比如在環礁湖上,彼得、溫迪都受傷了,都飛不動了,這個時候黑色的潮水漲了上來。這時候飄過來一隻風箏,於是彼得惡狠狠地叫溫迪爬到風箏上去,別管他。可是等溫迪走了,彼得也害怕了。美人魚圍著他轉,可是她們也沒有辦法。灰白的月光射向水面,射到水裡。於是他一邊聽著全世界最哀傷的聲音——人魚唱月,一邊勇敢地對自己說:死,是最偉大的冒險。 比如還有彼得對溫迪說的話,他說:我原來也一直以為媽媽會一直開著窗子等我,於是我就在外面玩了兩個月,又玩了兩個月,再玩了兩個月,然後我飛回家。可是窗戶已經栓住了,媽媽已經把我全忘記了,我的床上睡著一個小不點。 後來溫迪和孩子們飛回了家,窗戶還開著,家裡歡樂極了。可是彼得在玻璃窗外面,他不能進去。彼得有別的小孩子享受不到的快樂,可是,這種玻璃窗內的快樂,他永遠也享受不到。 這個哀傷的孩子,希望他有一天也能長大。譯文:The subtitle "never grow up boy" emphasizes the story basic theme: the conflict between the innocence of childhood and adult responsibilities. Peter rejected from children into adults, and encourages the other children to do the same. However, the first sentence in the book "all children grow up, except one," and the ending of the story reflects the reality of this wish. There is also a tragedy of the components in this change.A, can not refuse to grow up1, people always can not refuse to grow up. When you are not a child, you will lose your imagination, your body will become increasingly heavy, some good and simple things will gradually be forgotten, only the worldly troubles.2, never grow up, this is a child of a fairy tale dream. Embrace every fairy tale childhood heart is had a Peterpan, but he eventually in the process of growth you from your heart fades, the novel reflects growing helplessness and a necessity of life.3, this is the best ending, as Wendy himself thought. After all, the author still leave a new hope, the children of Wendy continued to follow Peterpan flew to the Neverland to, although a child will grow, the child"s dream is from generation to generation, continuity.4, okay. Already grown adults can only believe so. Although still can not help some melancholy.5, "the evil pirate captain Hooke said to him, your lovely Wendy will eventually leave you. He fell from the sky, unable to resist, at this time, his heart filled with sorrow. The image of Peterpan as if is the ideal idea represents the heart of the people: if you can, not always grow up. Because the adult world has too much confusion, means losing for growth."In 6, Captain Hooke on behalf of the social reality to a certain extent, he had a cruel and realistic spirit. All these and Peterpan thought is a contradiction, so he will want to go against him. So whether it is Hu Kechuan or the long in any one place, all in the description of the childhood happiness, there is growing and the reality of conflict. This conflict can be avoided, only reluctantly to accept, so people can feel happy in the book that light melancholy.Said Hooke"s true identity was not that he was in the fictions in the reality of identity, but his real identity in the novel. Maybe before he becomes a pirate, he is all a so-called good atmosphere, and the most famous school students. The author through the description of the behavior of Hooke, came to prominence in his boyhood education atmosphere by. The author of this ethos with captain Hooke such negative characters shown, does have negative author at that time in education in the form of mean. But on the other hand, school, society, these are all a part of growing up, Captain Hooke was a child, but in the process growing up slowly, he was realistic (such as schools, social) gradually transformed into such a person, can say, this is from the the side highlights the growth of sorrow. So, no matter is the author of how to write, he still cannot do without him want to express the theme, is all about growth.In 7, Barry made a flying, unwilling to grow up, will never grow up boy Peter Pam in the play. He is innocent and lively, hate injustice like poison, courage and sacrifice. -- Neverland local authors also made up a story happened. There are children, hope there are all kinds of "character": fairy, mermaid, Indians, pirates, beasts and birds dream. In the chimney the mushrooms when underground home, happy life. Peter and the pirates, pirates and reds between the "war", clearly branded with the children"s war games confirmed. Barry is through Neverland wonderful and refuses to grow up boy Peterpan such a fairy tale image fondly told people: childhood is the movement of the most beautiful life, cherish the precious childhood, let the children enjoy the only belong to their joy. Thus, you can also the writer"s passion for nature, simple nature call8, Peter Pam gave the little girl Wendy and her two brothers Michael and John body sprinkled pixie dust, and together they fly to fantasy island. Adventure stories repeatedly (Mermaid Lagoon etc.), "never was boring". Peter Pam and with him in a fly to the dream island children, where he met the fairy tale characters. Because of all the year round, everywhere be full of craft and cunning pirates haunt, no quiet island. Despite the unfortunate events come one after another, brave Peter Pam or to have figured out a way to deliver the partners.9, Peter Pam and the little girl Wendy respectively, promise every year when spring came to see her. Later, Wendy grew up to get married, Peter Pam and Wendy"s daughter to play, and Wendy"s daughter to the wonderful fantasy island, Wendy daughter marry, and Wendy"s granddaughter to find a companion.10, the image of Peter Pam is forever endless amusement, eternal childhood, never old symbol of spirit. "Peter Pam" the absurd fantasy, fairy stories, thrilling plots, the use of character portrayal, psychological description, irony and humor means textile in a small story. It is like a see things in a blur circus, and like a rhapsody, in order to give the readers a strong shock forceTwo, always sad children author
這部劇的副標題“不會長大的男孩”強調了這個故事最基本的主題:童年的純真與成年人的責任之間的衝突。彼得拒絕了從兒童轉變為成年人,並且鼓動其他的孩子也這樣做。然而書中的第一句“所有的孩子都會長大,除了一個人,”以及故事的結局表明了這個願望的不現實性。在這種轉變之中也有著悲劇的成分。一、拒絕不了長大 1、人永遠拒絕不了長大。當你不是一個孩子時,你就會失去了你的想象力,你的身軀會變得日益沉重,一些美好單純的東西會漸漸被忘卻,只剩下世俗的紛擾。 2、永遠不要長大,這是一個孩子童話般的夢想。每一個孩提時擁抱過童話的人心底都曾存在過一個彼得潘,可是他最終會在你成長的過程中從你的心中淡去,小說體現了成長的無奈和一種人生的必然。 3、這是最好的結局吧,就象溫迪自己認為的。畢竟,作者還是留下了新的希望,溫迪的孩子們繼續跟著彼得潘飛到永無鄉去,儘管一個個孩子總要長大,孩子的夢想卻世世代代,傳承不息。 4、也好吧。早已長大的大人們也只能這樣相信。雖然還是忍不住有些惆悵。 5、“邪惡的海盜船長虎克對他說,你可愛的溫迪最終還是會離開你。他從天空墜落,無力抵抗,此時他的心中充滿憂傷。彼得潘的形象彷彿是代表了人們心中的理想想法:如果可以的話,永遠都不要長大。因為成人的世界有太多紛擾,意味著要失去換來成長。” 6、虎克船長在一定程度上代表了現實社會,他有著殘酷而現實的靈魂。而這些和彼得潘所認為的一切都是矛盾的,所以他才會想要去對抗他。所以無論是胡克船長還是文中的任何一處,無不在描述著童年的美好,還有成長和現實的衝突。這種衝突人們無法去避免,只能無奈地去接受,所以人們還能感受到書中那種快樂裡淡淡的惆悵。 說虎克的真實身份並不是說他在小說外現實中的身份,而是他在小說中的真實身份。可能在他成為海盜前,他是一所有著所謂良好風氣,並且極其著名的學校的學生。作者透過描寫虎克的行為,來突出在他少年時所受的教育風氣。作者把這種風氣以虎克船長這樣反面的人物表現出來,確實有否定作者當時所在年代教育形式的意思。但從另一個方面來說,學校,社會,這些都是成長的一部分,虎克船長也曾是一個天真的孩子,但是在慢慢長大的過程中,他被現實(如學校、社會)逐漸改造成了一個這樣的人,可以說,這也是從側面突出了成長的悲哀。所以,無論是作者怎樣寫,他還是離不開他想要表達的主題的,一切都是關於成長。 7、巴里在劇中虛構了一個會飛的、不願長大、也永遠不會長大的小男孩彼得·潘。他天真活潑、疾惡如仇、勇敢而富於犧牲精神。作者還虛構了一個故事發生的地方——夢幻島。那裡,有孩子希望出現的各種“人物”:仙子、人魚、印第安人、海盜、野獸和夢幻鳥。在那個用蘑菇當煙囪的地下之家,生活快樂無憂。彼得與海盜,海盜與紅人之間的“大戰”,鮮明地烙著兒童打仗遊戲的印證。巴里正是透過奇妙的夢幻島和不肯長大的男孩彼得潘這樣的童話形象深情地告訴人們:童年是人生中最美的樂章,珍惜可貴的童年時代,讓孩子們盡情地享受那僅僅屬於他們的歡樂。由此,也可以窺見作家對自然、純樸天性的熱情召喚8、彼得·潘給小姑娘溫迪和她的兩個弟弟邁克爾和約翰身上撒了仙粉,於是他們一起飛到夢幻島上。歷險故事連連不斷(美人魚的礁湖等),“永沒有枯燥乏味的時候”。彼得·潘和同他一道飛到夢幻島上的孩子們,在那裡遇見了上述童話人物。由於終年海盜詭計多端、處處作祟,海島無寧靜之。儘管不幸事件接踵而至,勇敢的彼得·潘還是想出妙計搭救了夥伴們。 9、彼得·潘和小姑娘溫迪分別時,答應每年春暖花開之時來看望她。後來溫迪長大出嫁了,彼得·潘又與溫迪的女兒玩,又把溫迪的女兒帶到那個奇妙無比的夢幻島上,溫迪的女兒長大出嫁後,又把溫迪的外孫女找去作伴。 10、彼得·潘這個形象是永無盡止的遊樂、永恆童年、永不衰老的精神象徵。《彼得·潘》將荒誕幻想、仙人故事、驚險情節,運用性格刻畫、心理描寫、諷刺和幽默等手段紡織在一個小小的故事裡。它既像一場令人眼花繚亂的馬戲,又像一首狂想曲,給讀者以強烈的震撼力二、永遠哀傷的孩子 作者:郭敬明 彼得·潘是個永遠長不大的孩子,他永遠也長不大。 彼得·潘永遠呆在永無島上,呆在他的童年裡面。而且他會飛,每個人都疼他,所以他任性得一塌糊塗。他總是傷害愛他的人,他從來就不考慮別人心裡是否難過。 “眼看邁克爾就要墜到海面上了,彼得·潘才飛快地衝下去,一把抓住他。彼得·潘這一下幹得可真漂亮,但是他總是等到最後那一瞬間才去救人,而且,他好像是在故意炫耀自己的本事,而不是專門為了救人。” 他就是這樣一個驕傲而任性的孩子,他又傷害他的朋友們了。 “愛的背面是什麼?” “是恨。” “不是,是遺忘。” 彼得是個經常忘記別人的人,或者說他從來就沒有去愛過別人。 “既然他把那些事情忘得那麼快,”溫蒂深思地說,“怎麼指望他能一直記住咱們呢?” 真的,有時彼得飛回來的時候,就不認識他們了,至少是認不清他們了。文蒂看清了這一點。“無論是白天還是別的時候,彼得飛過來看見他們的時候,眼裡竟流露出努力辨認的神色。有一次,溫迪不得不向他喊出自己的名字。” 他需要大家對他的愛,他可以在那些愛裡面任性地撒嬌,就像個在雪地上撒野的孩子,可是他卻不愛別人。或者說得更悲哀一點,他不懂得怎樣去愛別人。 一個失去愛別人的能力的人是悲哀的。安妮不輕易地去愛別人,因為她被愛情的宿命割傷了一條很大的傷口。可是彼得純粹是因為幼稚,因為他任性的自私。於是所有愛他的人都感到難過,為他傷心,包括溫迪,包括那個為他嫉妒溫迪為他去死的小仙女丁卡,包括印第安公主虎蓮,包括永無島上的孩子們,以及那些甘願讓彼得騎在自己的尾巴上玩耍的美人魚們。他們都覺得彼得·潘是個可憐的孩子。 “島上的孩子的數目時常變動,因為有的被殺,或者其他緣故,他們眼看就要長大的時候——這是不合乎規定的,彼得不允許他們長大,於是彼得就把他們餓瘦了,直至餓死。” “我虎蓮是講義氣的”,美麗的公主說,“彼得·潘救了我的命,我就永遠做他的好朋友,我絕不讓海盜來傷害他。”這在虎蓮公主一方,是處於感恩和禮貌,但在彼得看來,這是他應得的報答。於是,他往往居高臨下地說,“很好,很好,彼得·潘說了”。每次他說“彼得·潘說了”的時候,就是讓對方閉嘴。“彼得不允許孩子們的模樣有一丁點像他。”一個太愛自己的人往往不知不覺地就傷害別人了。 彼得·潘傷害了別人,但從某個意義上講,彼得是無心的。彼得有個很不好的習慣——口是心非。這也說明了他真的僅僅是個孩子。溫迪要走了,孩子們要走了,可是彼得裝出一副無所謂的樣子,他依舊在有口無心地吹他的那支破笛子。大家都叫他一起去找媽媽,可是他不,“你們去吧,我才不去呢,真見了她,她一定又要盼望我長大了,我才不想長大呢,我要永遠做個小孩子,永遠玩耍”。“孩子們走了以後,他還快樂地吹了一會兒笛子呢。當然,這只是在掩飾他的難受,證明自己對朋友們對溫迪的離開滿不在乎。他決定不吃藥,為的是氣一氣。溫迪然後他不蓋被就躺在床上,也是為了要惹溫迪生氣。平時,溫迪怕他著涼,總是將他塞進被窩裡。他難過得差點哭出聲來,但是他忽然想到,如果自己笑起來,說溫迪不定多麼生氣呢。於是他就笑起來。” 彼得是個哀傷的孩子,書裡面有很多地方都讓人心疼了。比如在環礁湖上,彼得、溫迪都受傷了,都飛不動了,這個時候黑色的潮水漲了上來。這時候飄過來一隻風箏,於是彼得惡狠狠地叫溫迪爬到風箏上去,別管他。可是等溫迪走了,彼得也害怕了。美人魚圍著他轉,可是她們也沒有辦法。灰白的月光射向水面,射到水裡。於是他一邊聽著全世界最哀傷的聲音——人魚唱月,一邊勇敢地對自己說:死,是最偉大的冒險。 比如還有彼得對溫迪說的話,他說:我原來也一直以為媽媽會一直開著窗子等我,於是我就在外面玩了兩個月,又玩了兩個月,再玩了兩個月,然後我飛回家。可是窗戶已經栓住了,媽媽已經把我全忘記了,我的床上睡著一個小不點。 後來溫迪和孩子們飛回了家,窗戶還開著,家裡歡樂極了。可是彼得在玻璃窗外面,他不能進去。彼得有別的小孩子享受不到的快樂,可是,這種玻璃窗內的快樂,他永遠也享受不到。 這個哀傷的孩子,希望他有一天也能長大。譯文:The subtitle "never grow up boy" emphasizes the story basic theme: the conflict between the innocence of childhood and adult responsibilities. Peter rejected from children into adults, and encourages the other children to do the same. However, the first sentence in the book "all children grow up, except one," and the ending of the story reflects the reality of this wish. There is also a tragedy of the components in this change.A, can not refuse to grow up1, people always can not refuse to grow up. When you are not a child, you will lose your imagination, your body will become increasingly heavy, some good and simple things will gradually be forgotten, only the worldly troubles.2, never grow up, this is a child of a fairy tale dream. Embrace every fairy tale childhood heart is had a Peterpan, but he eventually in the process of growth you from your heart fades, the novel reflects growing helplessness and a necessity of life.3, this is the best ending, as Wendy himself thought. After all, the author still leave a new hope, the children of Wendy continued to follow Peterpan flew to the Neverland to, although a child will grow, the child"s dream is from generation to generation, continuity.4, okay. Already grown adults can only believe so. Although still can not help some melancholy.5, "the evil pirate captain Hooke said to him, your lovely Wendy will eventually leave you. He fell from the sky, unable to resist, at this time, his heart filled with sorrow. The image of Peterpan as if is the ideal idea represents the heart of the people: if you can, not always grow up. Because the adult world has too much confusion, means losing for growth."In 6, Captain Hooke on behalf of the social reality to a certain extent, he had a cruel and realistic spirit. All these and Peterpan thought is a contradiction, so he will want to go against him. So whether it is Hu Kechuan or the long in any one place, all in the description of the childhood happiness, there is growing and the reality of conflict. This conflict can be avoided, only reluctantly to accept, so people can feel happy in the book that light melancholy.Said Hooke"s true identity was not that he was in the fictions in the reality of identity, but his real identity in the novel. Maybe before he becomes a pirate, he is all a so-called good atmosphere, and the most famous school students. The author through the description of the behavior of Hooke, came to prominence in his boyhood education atmosphere by. The author of this ethos with captain Hooke such negative characters shown, does have negative author at that time in education in the form of mean. But on the other hand, school, society, these are all a part of growing up, Captain Hooke was a child, but in the process growing up slowly, he was realistic (such as schools, social) gradually transformed into such a person, can say, this is from the the side highlights the growth of sorrow. So, no matter is the author of how to write, he still cannot do without him want to express the theme, is all about growth.In 7, Barry made a flying, unwilling to grow up, will never grow up boy Peter Pam in the play. He is innocent and lively, hate injustice like poison, courage and sacrifice. -- Neverland local authors also made up a story happened. There are children, hope there are all kinds of "character": fairy, mermaid, Indians, pirates, beasts and birds dream. In the chimney the mushrooms when underground home, happy life. Peter and the pirates, pirates and reds between the "war", clearly branded with the children"s war games confirmed. Barry is through Neverland wonderful and refuses to grow up boy Peterpan such a fairy tale image fondly told people: childhood is the movement of the most beautiful life, cherish the precious childhood, let the children enjoy the only belong to their joy. Thus, you can also the writer"s passion for nature, simple nature call8, Peter Pam gave the little girl Wendy and her two brothers Michael and John body sprinkled pixie dust, and together they fly to fantasy island. Adventure stories repeatedly (Mermaid Lagoon etc.), "never was boring". Peter Pam and with him in a fly to the dream island children, where he met the fairy tale characters. Because of all the year round, everywhere be full of craft and cunning pirates haunt, no quiet island. Despite the unfortunate events come one after another, brave Peter Pam or to have figured out a way to deliver the partners.9, Peter Pam and the little girl Wendy respectively, promise every year when spring came to see her. Later, Wendy grew up to get married, Peter Pam and Wendy"s daughter to play, and Wendy"s daughter to the wonderful fantasy island, Wendy daughter marry, and Wendy"s granddaughter to find a companion.10, the image of Peter Pam is forever endless amusement, eternal childhood, never old symbol of spirit. "Peter Pam" the absurd fantasy, fairy stories, thrilling plots, the use of character portrayal, psychological description, irony and humor means textile in a small story. It is like a see things in a blur circus, and like a rhapsody, in order to give the readers a strong shock forceTwo, always sad children author