  • 1 # 王小佳的慧慧


    “開”雙語例句:這扇窗戶是向西開的。The window opens to the west. 他為小學生開公共汽車。He drives the bus for the pupils. 我的貓咪一聞到小狗身上的氣味便馬上跳開跑掉了。My cat started off as soon as he smelt the little dog. 別開得那麼快!你必須把速度限制在規定的範圍內。Don"t drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit. 他請一位有經驗的司機為他試開那輛Jetta車。He asked an experienced driver to test-drive that Jetta for him. “關”雙語例句:昨天又有兩家店鋪關了。Two more shops closed down yesterday. 我就遲到了五分鐘,便被關在了門外。I was shut out for being five minutes late. 他們把記者關在法庭門外。They barred the reporters out of the courtroom. 這窗子關不上。The window won"t shut. 這些牛在火中被燒死了,因為它們當時被關在(牛柵)裡面。The cows died in the fire because they were barred in (the hut).

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