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    1、My heart belongs to you.我的心屬於你。

    2、You are my destiny.你是我的命運。

    3、The sandglass remembers the time we lost.沙漏記得我們失去的時光。

    4、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.你嫣然的微笑是我每日的魅力。

    5、Please tell me you are mine. Year after year, I belong to you, forever and ever.請告訴我你是我的。年復一年,我永遠屬於你。

    6、You are the only one for me. No one can replace you.你是我的唯一,沒有人可以代替你。

    7、You are the only one for me. No one can take you away.你是我的唯一,沒有人可以搶走你。

    8、When I miss you, you are just thinking of me. 當我想你的時候,你是不是正好也在想我。

    9、When I love you, are you just in love with me? 當我愛你的時候,你是不是正好也在愛我。

    10、The wife is one, the rest is all goods. 老婆就一個,其餘全是貨。

    11、The husband is one, the rest is the guest.老公就一個,其餘都是客。

    12、Company, not you have money I just follow.陪伴,不是你有錢我才追隨。

    13、Cherish, not you beautiful I just pay attention.珍惜,不是你漂亮我才關注。

    14、Next life I will do your heart because I will not jump you will die.下輩子我要做你的心臟因為我不跳你就得死。

    15、Next life I will be your tooth because I am sick and you will also have pain.下輩子我要做你的牙齒因為我病了你也得疼。

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