  • 1 # SH欣

      walking up為walk up的現在進行時,意思是“走上;沿…走”



      Walking Love Up 愛情睡醒了 ; 走路愛了 ; 愛走

      walking up and down 走來走去

      Walking up this time 沿著路走著


    Walking up the gentle incline, I see families playing badminton in a small park tothe right.


    I spent hours upon hours walking up and down the hallway just looking at thatsunken living room.


    The 54-year-old diabetic has trouble walking up these trails and rarely venturesout, but she is forced to do so occasionally to visit a public medical clinic.

      這個54歲的糖尿病患者在這些小路上行走困難,她很少冒險外出,但因為要前往一個公 共醫療診所,她不時需要這麼做。

    Walking up the gentle incline, I see families playing badminton in a small park tothe right.


    He regularly encountered the ghostly figure of an old man in a pale-colorednightgown, who was prone to walking up and down the stairs of the chap"s home, and with his head held under his arm!

      他經常能看到一個穿著淺色睡衣的鬼影,那鬼影總在他家樓梯上上上下下來回走,胳膊 下夾著自己的頭!

    He regularly encountered the ghostly figure of an old man in a pale-colorednightgown, who was prone to walking up and down the stairs of the chap"s home, and with his head held under his arm!

      他經常能看到一個穿著淺色睡衣的鬼影,那鬼影總在他家樓梯上上上下下來回走,胳膊 下夾著自己的頭!


      Random walk 隨機遊走 ; 隨機漫步 ; 無規行走 ; 隨機遊動

      Walk Away 離去 ; 一走了之 ; 離開你 ; 轉身離開

      walk out 走出 ; 把帶出 ; 退席 ; 罷工

      space walk 太空行走 ; 空間行走 ; 太空漫步 ; 空間行走

      walk off 離開 ; 帶走 ; 走開 ; 使走開

      walk home 走回家 ; 步行回家 ; 走路回家 ; 別送我回家

      Elephant Walk 象宮鴛劫 ; 象宮鴦劫 ; 邏宮大神秘 ; 象行

      walk mate 計步器 ; 結伴而行 ; 裝有計步器程式

      Walk over 棄權 ; 走過場的比賽 ; 虐待 ; 走過

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