  • 1 # Affgcff

    1、Metaphor:隱喻/暗喻指用表示乙事物的詞或片語來指代甲事物,從而暗示它們之間的相似之處,如:* All the world is a stage.整個世界是一臺戲.(用 stage 指代 all the world)* She"s an angel and he"s a lion.她是天使,他是雄獅.(用 angel 指代 she,用 lion 指代he)2、Analogy比擬/類比指把一個事物當作另外一個事物來描述、說明.把人擬作物(擬物)或把物擬作人(擬人),或者把甲物化為乙物.如:* The broomcorn seems to be teams of Young Pioneers.高粱好似一隊隊的“紅領巾”.(把具有紅色特徵的 broomcorn 比喻為帶著紅領巾的 Young Pioneer)——擬人* The sunflowers are shaking their heads and smiling. 向日葵搖著頭微笑著.(把盛開的sunflowers 比喻作會shaking their heads and smiling 的人)——擬人* Stretching out her hands and running,the girl comes out a pair of golden wings.張開雙手跑著,姑娘長出了一對金色的翅膀.(把穿著黃衣服張開雙手的 girl 比擬成 golden wings)——擬物

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