  • 1 # 使用者2008204498042

    Ingredients: cucumber two, three goals in garlic, Chinese prickly ash, salt, MSG, pointed, vinegar three goals in chiliProduction:

    1, cucumber peeled, wash, cut, with back into a crush square inch.

    2, mashed garlic, add to the amount of add salt, gourmet.

    3, moderate heat until an oil into six hot, remove the prickly ash into anti-inflammatory, add pointed out, anti-inflammatory and smell chili peppers and oil poured on a cucumber, together with the tray, stir in moderate vinegar 原料:黃瓜兩條,蒜三粒,花椒、鹽、味精適量,尖辣椒三粒,醋適量 製作: 1、黃瓜洗淨、削皮,用刀背拍碎,切成一寸見方塊。 2、蒜搗碎拌入,放入適量的鹽、味精。 3、適量食用油倒入鐵鍋加熱至六成熱,放入花椒煸一下撈出,再放入尖辣椒煸至香味出,把油和尖辣椒一起澆在盛有黃瓜的盤中,拌入適量醋即成。

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