  • 1 # 艾侃美食說

    叫 catch my breath歌手 kelly clarkson 凱麗·克拉克森(美國歌手)中英文雙語歌詞對照:I don’t want to be left behind我不想被生活拋棄Distance was a friend of mine以前的我跟周圍的人一直保持著距離Catching breath in a web of lies在謊言編織的大網中殘喘I’ve spent most of my life大半的生命被浪費掉了!Riding waves, playing acrobatShadow boxing the other halfLearning how to react遇到有可能是另一半的人卻只能小心翼翼用頭腦來應對,而不是用心去投入I’ve spent most of my time大半的生命被浪費掉了!Catching my breath停下來緩緩氣Letting it go放開一點Turning my cheek for the sake of the show給演藝生涯留一個側臉Now that you know你們要知道This is my life這是我自己的生活I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right我不想讓別人來告訴我 怎麼做才是正確的Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣No one can hold me back沒人能阻止我I ain’t got time for that我沒時間去浪費了Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣Won’t let em get me down不會讓別人拖住我It’s all so simple now我的目標很明確了Addicted to the love I’ve found要沉迷在我找到的真愛中Heavy heart now a weightless cloud曾經沉重的心,現在輕地像浮雲Making time for the ones that count給有意義的人留出時間I’ll spend the rest of my time我要把剩下的時間留給他Laughing hard with the windows down關上窗 大聲歡笑Leaving footprints all over town在小鎮裡 到處閒逛Keeping faith karma comes around保持信念,就有好結果Iwon’t spend the rest of my life我不會再把剩下的生命Catching my breath用來苟顏殘喘Letting it go放開一點Turning my cheek for the sake of the show給演藝生涯留一個側臉Now that you know你們要知道This is my life這是我自己的生活I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right我不想讓別人來告訴我 怎麼做才是正確的Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣No one can hold me back沒人能阻止我I ain’t got time for that我沒時間去浪費了Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣Won’t let em get me down不會讓別人拖住我It’s all so simple now我的目標很明確了You help me see thebeauty in everything你讓我看到了生活的美好(她男友是誰來著?,要是以後敢背叛肥K,就閹了他。。。)Catching my breath停下來緩緩氣Letting it go放開一點Turning my cheek for the sake of the show給演藝生涯留一個側臉Now that you know你們要知道This is my life這是我自己的生活I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right我不想讓別人來告訴我 怎麼做才是正確的Catching my breath停下來緩緩氣Letting it go放開一點Turning my cheek for the sake of the show給演藝生涯留一個側臉Now that you know你們要知道This is my life這是我自己的生活I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right我不想讓別人來告訴我 怎麼做才是正確的Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣No one can hold me back沒人能阻止我I ain’t got time for that我沒時間去浪費了Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣Won’t let em get me down不會讓別人拖住我It’s all so simple now我的目標很明確了It’s all so simple now我的目標很明確了Catching my breath停下來緩緩氣Letting it go放開一點Turning my cheek for the sake of the show給演藝生涯留一個側臉Now that you know你們要知道This is my life這是我自己的生活I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right我不想讓別人來告訴我 怎麼做才是正確的Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣No one can hold me back沒人能阻止我I ain’t got time for that我沒時間去浪費了Catch my breath停下來緩緩氣Won’t let em get me down不會讓別人拖住我It’s all so simple now我的目標很明確了It’s all so simple now

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