  • 1 # 阿炮摸地板

    Reaching up for no man"s land 到及一個無人的地方,To take a breath and take a chance 為了重新呼吸,為了重拾機會I walk a thousand nights to change the world 在無數個晚上我到處奔波只為改變世界Where to go?When to stop?將要去何方?將何時結束?Who to trust?What to say?要相信何人?要訴說什麼?Found them all,just need someone to share 知道了所有,只需有人和我分享It"s now in the dusk every day to carry on 每天在昏暗中度過Ain"t so strong,I ain"t so strong to go不堅強,我不夠堅強去繼續Living in life as it"s not the way to live 過著與期望相悖的生活I wish you could hear me say that I miss you 我企盼你能聽見我說我想你Why were we there back to back?為什麼我們彼此要背對著背?Why were we there face to face?為什麼我們彼此要相對?I must be the light when you"re in the dark 我一定是你在黑暗中的明燈If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air 如果你在某處失去了我,眼淚在空氣中溼潤了I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我會一直在你耳邊搖鈴,直到你能感覺到我在你身邊Looking up into the sky,looking for the reason 仰望蒼穹,在尋找一個理由Why I"m here,and why you can"t be here 為什麼我在這裡,為什麼你卻不在這裡Who"s to hate?Who"s to blame?該恨誰?該責備誰?Who"s to hurt?Who"s to love?傷害了誰?又該愛誰?Who decides?Why we can"t we be the same?誰來掌控?為什麼我們不能在一起?Try to believe walking down the lonesome road 嘗試著相信正走著的那條寂寞歸路Ain"t so far,I ain"t so far from you 我離你並不很遠Staying the way you are meant solitude 繼續你的方式意味著孤獨I wish you were here and shook off my fear 我企盼你在身邊趕走我的恐懼Why were we there back to back?為什麼我們彼此要背對著背?Why were we there face to face?為什麼我們彼此要相對?I must be the light when you"re in the dark我一定是你在黑暗中的明燈If I lose you somewhere,and I"m still hanging in there 如果我在某處失去了你,那我會一直在原地等著你I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我會一直在你耳邊搖鈴,直到你能感覺到我在你身邊What has been in the mix too long?是什麼在混亂中逗留如此的久There"s the peace when you"re at war 戰爭的盡頭就是和平 Heads or tails,You and I頭和尾,你和我Light and dark,Ups and downs 光明與黑暗,上和下What has been in the middle?什麼在這其中?What"s there to divide us?什麼讓我們分離?If you"re hurt,如果你傷心,cry and say can"t you see your my other half 哭吧並且說為什麼你看不到我的另一半Why were we there back to back?為什麼我們彼此要背對著背?Why were we there face to face?為什麼我們彼此要相對?I must be the light when you"re in the dark 我將是你在黑暗中的明燈If you lose me somewhere,and your tears are in the air如果你在某處失去了我,眼淚在空氣中溼潤了I will ring a bell until you feel me by your side我會一直在你耳邊搖鈴,直到你能感覺到我在你身邊

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