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    (had + 過去分詞)

    將來不大可能實現的願望將來時would/could +


    I wish I were as tall as you.我希望和你一樣高。

    He wished he hadn"t said that. 他希望他沒講那樣的話。

    I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。

    2)Wish to do表達法。

    Wish sb / sth to do

    I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager.

    I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.)


    虛擬條件句的從句部分如果含有were, should, 或had, 可將if省略,再把were, should 或had 移到從句句首,實行倒裝。

    Were they here now, they could help us.

    =If they were here now, they could help us.

    Had you come earlier, you would have met him

    =If you had come earlier, you would have met him.

    Should it rain, the crops would be saved.

    =Were it to rain, the crops would be saved.


    If I were you, I would go to look for him.


    If he were here, everything would be all right.



    _____ to do the work, I should do it some other day.

    A. If were I

    B. I were

    C. Were I

    D. Was I

    答案C. 在虛擬條件狀語中如果有were, should, had這三個詞,通常將if省略,主語提前, 變成were, should, had +主語的形式。但要注意,在虛擬條件狀語從句中,省略連詞的倒裝

    形式的句首不能用動詞的縮略形式。如我們可說Were I not to do., 而不能說Weren"t I to do. only if表示"只有";if only則表示"如果……就好了"。If only也可用於陳述語氣。

    I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有鬧鐘響了,我才會醒。

    If only the alarm clock had rung.當時鬧鐘響了,就好了。

    If only he comes early.但願他早點回來。

    比較if only與only if

    only if表示"只有";if only則表示"如果……就好了"。If only也可用於陳述語氣。

    I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有鬧鐘響了,我才會醒。

    If only the alarm clock had rung.當時鬧鐘響了,就好了。

    If only he comes early.但願他早點回來。

    It is (high) time that

    It is (high) time that 後面的從句謂語動詞要用過去式或用should加動詞原形,但should 不可省略。

    It is time that the children went to bed.

    It is high time that the children should go to bed.

    need "不必做"和"本不該做"

    didn"t need to do表示:過去不必做某事, 事實上也沒做。.

    needn"t have done表示:過去不必做某事, 但事實上做了。

    John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she didn"t need to walk back home. 約翰開車去車站接瑪麗,所以她不必步行回家了。

    John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she needn"t have walked back home. 約翰開車去車站接瑪麗,所以她本不必步行回家了。(Mary步行回家,沒有遇上John的車。)


    There was plenty of time. She ___.

    A. mustn"t have hurried

    B. couldn"t have hurried

    C. must not hurry

    D. needn"t have hurried

    答案D。needn"t have done. 意為"本不必",即已經做了某事,而時實際上不必要。Mustn"t have done 用法不正確,對過去發生的事情進行否定性推斷應為couldn"t have done, "不可能已經"。must not do 不可以(用於一般現在時)。

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