EFTSL(Equivalent Full Time Student Load) value is a measure of the study load for a course, as a measure of the total required study load for a full year in undertaking your program on a full-time basis.
那麼讀專業Master of Engineering需要修1年半,3個學期,12門課54學分,則該專業每門課程EFTSL值為:
EFTSL(Equivalent Full Time Student Load) value is a measure of the study load for a course, as a measure of the total required study load for a full year in undertaking your program on a full-time basis.
那麼讀專業Master of Engineering需要修1年半,3個學期,12門課54學分,則該專業每門課程EFTSL值為:
=0.125 (實際這個不用我們自己計算,在南澳的各專業的描述中都給出了具體需要修的課程和各課程的EFTSL值,想了解這個專業的具體可參考該鏈http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/Programs/program.asp?Program=LMEE)
這樣就可以根據選修的具體課程算出應繳納的學費了:比如2005年第一學期只學該專業1門課,這門課的EFTSL值為0.125,由於該專業屬於Band 2,那麼需要繳納的學費就是:$6,849 x 0.125 = 856.125