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    · more than one but indefinitely small in number

    近義詞, 同義詞

    a couple of ≈ a couple of, a few


    · a couple of 一對,一雙,兩三個

    · a couple 夫婦

    · Seebeck coefficient of a couple 【電】 力偶的Seebeck係數

    · in a couple of shakes 剎那間, 馬上

    · a couple of minutes 幾分鐘 參考例句: I never know where he is, but I can almost always reach him in a couple of minutes.

    · moment of a couple phr. 力偶矩,力矩

    · couple on phr. 把…連在一起

    · coefficient of performance of a thermolelectric cooling couple 【電】 熱電偶冷卻效能係數

    · coefficient of performance of a thermoelectric heating couple 【電】 熱電加熱偶效能係數

    · couple with vt. 與…相結合,伴隨,接在一起(耦合)

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