  • 1 # 網路新鮮玩意

    A letter to my English




    flight of time, we have been more than two months. I couldn"t help but have a few words to


    grades one to three, you have been our growth on the spiritual pillar. Whenever we become dejected and despondent when, you will make us happy again self; in our unhappy to comfort us, sometimes tell a joke to us, with us


    once, I fell, you lift me up, said:" don"t cry don"t cry!" She helps me to a chair, let me rest. You told me the motherly care and affection more moved me deeply.Xu, is you patiently enlightens, make my understanding ability has been improved. I think the last term is my greatest progress for one semester, final examination subjects can test 99 points above, it is completely up to


    you are no longer my teacher, but I will remember your teachings, I honors I repay


    wish you all the best, good health!給老師的一封信敬愛的徐老師: 您好!光陰似箭,我們已分別兩個多月了。我禁不住有幾句心裡話寫給您。 從一年級到三年級,您一直是我們成長路上的精神支柱。每當我們垂頭喪氣的時候,您會讓我們重新找回快樂的自我;在我們不高興的時候來安慰我們,有時還會講一個笑話給我們聽,陪我們一起歡笑。記得有一次,我摔了一跤,您趕快把我扶了起來,說:“別哭別哭!”邊說邊把我扶到了椅子上,讓我休息。您對我慈母般的關懷和撫愛更使我深受感動。徐老師,是您耐心地開導,使我的理解能力有了提高。我認為上學期是我進步最大的一個學期,期末考試各科能考99分以上,這完全是您的功勞。雖然你現在不再是我的任課老師,但我一定會牢記您的教誨,用我優異的成績我報答您。 祝萬事如意,身體健康!

  • 2 # 軟萌小兔嘰

    Dear Miss Brown, I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last two years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with English under the influence of you. I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep going. Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere appreciation. Best wishes for you. Cruse 敬愛的布朗老師: 我謹以此向您表達我最真誠的謝意,感謝您在過去兩年裡對我的幫助。在過去的兩年裡,成為您的學生,我學到了許多。首先,您對教學和學生的認真態度使我深受感動。您鼓舞著我不斷地努力學習。其次,在您的影響下,我深深地喜歡上了英語。我以前一直認為英語對我毫無用處,但您使我認識到了英語的魅力所在,帶我走進了一個全新的世界,培養了不同的思維方式。最後,您的鼓勵總在我遭遇困難或挑戰是鼓勵著我。您曾經說過:“每一件事情到了最後都會變成好事,如果不是,那說明還沒有到最後。”每當想起您說過的話,我就有了堅持下去的動力。 最後,請允許我再次向您表達我的感謝,接受我真誠的謝意。獻上最美好的祝福。

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