  • 1 # 速速影片

    One by One / 漸漸地Here am Iyet another goodbye!He says Adios, says Adios,and do you know whyshe won"t break down and cry?- she says Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.It"s no lieshe is yearning to fly.She says Adios, says Adios,and now you know whyhe"s a reason to sigh- she says Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.My, oh my!She was aiming too high.He says Adios, says Adios,and now you know whythere"s no moon in her sky- he says Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.No Goodbyesfor love brightens their eyes.Don"t say Adios, says Adios,and do you know whythere"s a love that won"t die?- don"t say Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.- Don"t say Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.- Don"t say Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.- Don"t say Adios, says Adios,Goodbye.經歷一場別離我依然在這裡他說 再會吧 再會吧你知道真正的理由嗎她不哭不泣她說 再會吧 再會吧 再會吧我的花瓣一片一片漸漸飄落我的故事一段一段再再被訴說沒有謊言她渴望飛翔她說 再會吧 再會吧現在你知道真正的理由為了他而嘆息她說 再會吧 再會吧 再會吧我的花瓣一片一片漸漸飄落我的故事一段一段再再被訴說我啊 我她的理想太高他說 再會吧 再會吧現在你知道真正的理由她的天空不再有月光 黯然神傷他說 再會吧 再會吧 再會吧不再別離因為愛照亮他們的雙眼不要道別 不要道別你知道真正的理由嗎因為愛永不止息不要揮手 不要道別 別說再見不要揮手 不要道別 別說再見不要揮手 不要道別 別說再見不要揮手 不要道別 別說再見

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
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