百花齊放:All flowers bloom together. 百家爭鳴:Contention of a hundred schools of thought.
從這樣的觀點看來,百花齊放百家爭鳴,就是有益無害的了Seen from this viewpoint, the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and ahundred schools of thought contend is beneficial, not harmful.
國外對家務勞動的研究從20世紀20年代已經開始,到20世紀80、90年代出現相當多的意見不同的研究結果,可謂是百花齊放百家爭鳴。In the 1980s and 1990s, there a lot of different opinions findings of accountedhousehold study.
雕塑藝術出現了百花齊放,百家爭鳴的繁榮局面。Sculpture in the free exchange of prosperity situation.
百花齊放,百家爭鳴是指導中國文學的一條語錄。Let One Hundred Flowers Blossom and One hundred Schools of Thought Contendis a slogan guiding China"s literature.
百花齊放:All flowers bloom together. 百家爭鳴:Contention of a hundred schools of thought.
從這樣的觀點看來,百花齊放百家爭鳴,就是有益無害的了Seen from this viewpoint, the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and ahundred schools of thought contend is beneficial, not harmful.
國外對家務勞動的研究從20世紀20年代已經開始,到20世紀80、90年代出現相當多的意見不同的研究結果,可謂是百花齊放百家爭鳴。In the 1980s and 1990s, there a lot of different opinions findings of accountedhousehold study.
雕塑藝術出現了百花齊放,百家爭鳴的繁榮局面。Sculpture in the free exchange of prosperity situation.
百花齊放,百家爭鳴是指導中國文學的一條語錄。Let One Hundred Flowers Blossom and One hundred Schools of Thought Contendis a slogan guiding China"s literature.