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    give up

    1.stop trying;cease doing sth.停止做某事;放棄做某事

    *I did want a holiday abroad,but I"ve given up the ided.我確實想出國度假,但現在已放棄了這個想法.

    *If everyone gave up smoking and drinking,it would bring about the breakdown of tobacco and liquor indurstries.如果人人戒掉菸酒,就會使菸酒業破產.

    *He seems so ungrateful for anything we did that we have given up trying to help him.他對於我們為他做的任何一件事是如此忘恩負義,以致我們不打算幫助他了.

    *She realized she was wrong and gave up the argument.她意識到她錯了,便停止了爭論.

    2.stop hoping for;give up as a bad job;abandon hope;lose hope對…不抱希望;對…絕望

    *Her brother was given up by the doctors after the accident,but he lived just the same.她弟弟在那場事故以後已被醫生宣佈活不長了,但他卻活得很正常.

    *She seems to have given up all hope.她似乎已放棄了一切希望.

    *The climbers were given up for lost.尋找失蹤的登山者是沒有希望了.

    *Just as it had been given up for lost,the necklace was found.項鍊丟失了,正對它不抱希望時,卻又找到了.

    *We shall never get that fellow to see the error of his ways;we may as well give him up as a bad job.我們絕不會使那個傢伙認識到自己的錯誤,我們還是不去管他算了.

    *Much time and money was spent on attempting to repair the machine,but it had to be given up as a bad job.花了很多時間和錢想把這臺機器修好,但是沒有希望,只好放棄.

    3.hand over;deliver up 交出;讓出;移交

    *He refused to give up the documents,alleging that they had been entrusted to him by their owner.他拒絕交出檔案,聲稱那是檔案的主人委託他保管的.

    *He gave the books up to his brother.他把書交給了他弟弟.

    *The passengers gave up their tickets as they left the railway station.旅客們離開火車站時交出了車票.

    *The young man gave up his seat on the bus to the old man.這位年輕人在公共汽車上把座位讓給了那位老人.

    *When she realized that she would have to give up her children,she dropped the idea of getting a divorce.當她意識到她要失去孩子時,就放棄了離婚的念頭.

    4.devote;set apart or devote to a particular purpose or use 從事;全部用於(常用於被動態)

    *The rest of the evening was given up to letter writing.那晚其餘的時間用來寫信了.

    *The whole winter was given up to physical training.整個冬季都用來體育訓練.

    *His weekends were given up to golfing and motoring.他的週末都用於打Golf球和駕駛汽車.

    *Her Sundays were given up to the preparation of a lecture.她的星期日都用來備課.

    *The new building will be given up to the library.新大樓將作圖書館.

    5.break the courtship off with;stop keeping company with與…斷絕戀愛關係;不再同…交朋友

    *The young lady threatened that if her sweetheart did not stop gambling she would give him up.這位年輕的小姐威脅她戀人說,如果他不停止賭博,她就同他斷絕關係.

    6.reveal;disclose 洩露;透露

    *She didn"t give up the secret of the Party.她沒有洩露黨的秘密.

    7.surrender 投降

    *The murderer has given himself up.殺人兇手已投案自首.

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