  • 1 # 人生何處不相逢9099

    at last /finally兩者都可作“最後;終於”解,但用法有所不同.at last只能指時間位置,而不能指時間順序,在語義上指經過,周折,等待,耽擱後的“最後,終於”得到所期待的結果.1 At last ,he passed the exam .最後他終於通過了考試.2 His chance came at last.他的機會終於來了.(強調他為獲得此機會進行的各種努力.)3 The war had been long and hard,but now there was peace at last.經過漫長而艱苦的戰爭,現在和平終於到來了.finally 指一系列事物或論點的順序,在列舉事物時可以用來引出最後一項內容 finally 在意義上與用法上與at last 有共同之處,但也有不同.finally 既可指時間位置(相當於at last和in the end),也可指時間的先後順序.finally 有兩個用法:一是在列舉事物或論點時,可用來引出最後一項內容;二是用在句中動詞前面,表示“等了好久才……”.eg.Finally I’d like to thank you all for your coming .最後我要感謝諸位的光臨.(不能用at last)2 They waited and waited ,and the concert finally started.他們等啊等啊,最後音樂會終於開始了.3 Three policemen rode past on their motorbikes ,then came the TV broadcasting car and finally the Marathon runners.三個警察騎著摩托過去了,接著來了電視廣播車,最後過來的是馬拉松賽跑選手.

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