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    How to beautify our classroom Our classroom is a place of learning, the local communication of knowledge. Look at the room at sixes and sevens, as we put it to a beautification! We can think of a riot of colours striped hanging in the classroom lamp, the lamp looks more beautiful, looked up, saw the color with the breeze fluttered in the wind, very beautiful; in the walls, hanging on our own to write calligraphy calligraphy and painting, the paper on the thick paper and ink taste let us recall the past; also our folding paper cranes hanging from the ceiling, be riotous with colour hanging above, make people feel fresh. 翻譯: 如何美化我們的教室 教室是我們學習的地方,交流知識的地方。看著亂七八糟的教室,不如我們把它來美化一番! 我們可以把五彩繽紛的彩條掛在教室的燈上,使燈看起來更美觀,抬頭一望,便看見彩條隨著微風隨風飄動,十分美麗;可以在教室的兩面牆上掛上我們自己寫出來的書法字畫,宣紙上那濃厚的紙墨味讓我們回憶起從前;還可以把我們折的千紙鶴掛在天花板上,五顏六色的掛在上面,使人心曠神怡。

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