  • 1 # 範閒不是我


    Wake up children and dress them.喚醒孩子,給他們穿上衣服。

    She isn"t old enough to dress herself.她太小,不會自己穿衣服。

    dress的過去分詞常用來構成get dressed與be dressed短語,前者表示動態,後者表示靜態,穿何種衣服,則用介詞in.如:

      He could not wash himself or get dressed.他還不能自己梳洗或穿衣。

      The girl was dressed in red.這個女孩穿著一身紅衣服。

      dress up是“穿上最好的衣服”,常指“打扮,化裝”,如:

      Let"s dress up and go out to the theatre.咱們穿戴整齊到戲院看戲吧。

      Mr Green sometimes dressed up in a red coat。格林先生有時打扮一番,穿上紅大衣。

      They all dressed up as PLA men。他們都裝扮成解放軍模樣

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