  • 1 # lanfengz2

    My family live far from the school.(我家離學校很遠.)In the morning,my father goes to work and my borthers and I go to school(早晨,我爸爸去工作,我和我哥哥去上學.)My father takes us to school every day.(我爸爸每天帶我們去學校.)My mother is usually at home.(我媽媽經常呆在家裡.)She doses the homework.(她做家務.)She always has lunch at noon,and sees her friends in the afternoon.(她經常在正午吃飯,然後在下午去見她的朋友們.)In the cvening,we come home from school.(傍晚,我們放學回家.)Myfather comes home from work and he is often late.(我爸爸工作回來經常很晚.)At night my brothers and I always do our homework.(晚上,我哥哥和我總是在做我們的功課.)My father usually reads newspapers and my mother usually watchea TV.(爸爸一般是去看報紙,而媽媽一般是去看電視.)We go to bed at half past nine. (到了九點半,我們上床睡覺.)


    1. Yes.

    2. My father.

    3. Yes.

    4. In the afternoon.

    5. Do our homework.

    6. At half past nine

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